Father Phil’s Offer of Prayer

Hi Everyone, Phil Moore (AKA ‘Father Phil), has asked me if I would put the following up for him. Many of you will know Phil. He is a good guy and has been in the NFPS family for many years. This is a genuine heartfelt offer from him to you all – and one day he will become ‘Phil The Bish’.

Oh, and if I see any rude or stupid remarks they will get deleted!

Here’s Phil’s offer …….

“Dear NFPS Family


Some of you will know me as Father Phil from the Physical Intervention Instructor course refresher training.

Despite Mark’s efforts to promote me to a Bishop I remain a simple Field Director for a Christian Charity working in London. I am a normal bloke who happens to be a Christian who trains people to share their Faith sensitively and consistently with those around them. https://www.lcm.org.uk

We are in very strange times and the things that we have taken for granted for so long have been taken away from us. The Coronavirus has resulted in human contact now being behind a screen or from a safe distance. Visiting loved ones has been prevented, to shield and protect the vulnerable and care homes are in lockdown. Last week I attended my first ever online funeral for a good friend and the day before heard that my Uncle had died in hospital and my cousin was still on a ventilator.

I know that many of you have faced down tough situations throughout your careers but faced with an unseen enemy that attacks our closest family and friends, we are all moved emotionally.

Mark and I have joked over the last 10 years about praying to the “Big man” and when Mark says this I think his words activate his arm to point upwards. There is a serious side to this joking and part of my response is to pray to God for my strength each day and to pray for all my family and friends to be kept safe at this time.

As my NFPS family I want to offer to pray for all of you and your families. I would like to ask you to let me know what you would like me to pray about. I am not looking to preach but only to offer prayerful support to you all and to let you know that I am continuing to pray for your issues until you tell me to stop.

I realise that this is not everyone’s cup of tea and you are free to politely ignore my request and seek peace and comfort from the means that you feel are most appropriate to you and your beliefs.

Anything that is emailed to me will be confidential and not shared even with NFPS or Mark unless it is with your agreement.

Your prayer requests will not be posted on this Facebook page emailed to phil.moore63@gmail.com.

I will email an acknowledgement to you and be happy to have an email dialogue with you. Should you wish to have more personal contact and speak to me directly, I will be happy to give you my mobile number and /or contact you via Zoom or Skype or other means to offer further support.
I look forward to hearing your prayer requests at phil.moore63@gmail.com.

My prayer is that you will all know God’s peace and protection at this challenging time.

Best wishes

Phil Moore
AKA – Father Phil”

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