Imagine you had a field that could grow whatever you planted

Imagine you had a field that could grow whatever you planted.

If you planted wheat seeds, you’d get a crop of wheat. If you planted poison ivy seeds, you get a crop of poison ivy.

Your mind is like that field. If you regularly plant positive ‘seed’ thoughts you’d become more positive.

But if you constantly allowed others to plant negative and destructive thoughts in your mind you would become the harvest of those thoughts.

You are the sum total of the way you choose to think.

This is why I meditate and practice mindfulness. It helps me focus and concentrate my mind. It is the best training for our mental and physical health.

It also helps me stop focussing on the constant negative distractions that are freely available from the media and opinions of others.

And if you can breath, you can meditate and practice mindfulness.

Give it a go and if you need any help feel free to get in touch.

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