Inquest Findings Into The Restraint Related Deaths of Michael Thorley and Jason Lennon [Video]

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These are the findings of the two inquests into the restraint related deaths of Michael Thorley and Jason Lennon who were both killed when restrained by security staff.

Both of these cases highlight the need for additional and “proper” training for security staff as opposed to just holding a Level 2 door supervisors license, especially when restraining people who are vulnerable due to their medical, physical and/or mental illness conditions.

It also highlights the use of prone and face-down restraint, which if done properly by well trained staff isn’t on it’s own a risk, but combined with a lack of training, awareness of risk, prologined restraint, excessive pressure or force applied and (in one case) too many people involved, is a death waiting to happen.

This is why on our BTEC Level 3 Restraint Instructor Award Course we teach alternatives to prone and face-down restraint as well as a comprehensive understanding of positional asphyxia and excited delirium.

To find out more about our BTEC Level 3 Restraint Instructor Award Course go to this webpage –

To view the Inquest articles go to these links –

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