“I’ve booked myself in for a meeting to train staff in 75 gyms”

“I’ve booked myself in for a meeting to train staff in 75 gyms”

The above is a line from an email I received from someone who just attended our BTEC Level 3 Self-Defence Instructor Award Course – https://nfps.info/btec-level-3-self-defence-trainer/.

The important thing when considering who you train with is ……


And that’s EXACTLY what Charlie got by training with us.

This answers on of the most common questions ….

Will this course be a waste of my time and money?

This is why we run a marketing session on our BTEC Level 3 Self-Defence Instructor Award Course for those who wish to attend it – https://nfps.info/btec-level-3-self-defence-trainer/.

Then we back that up by giving everyone access to our Marketing group.

This group has 89 videos about how to market your business (and growing).

It is based on everything I have learned about marketing over the last three decades.

And it is worth tens of thousands of pounds!

Charlie took advantage of the marketing session on the course.

And his results so far have been phenomenal!

All successful people understand the difference between an investment and a liability.

An investment generates money.

Whereas a liability costs you money.

So if you undertake training that doesn’t give you a return on investment then you have just paid for a course that is a liability.

But if you train with us you’re making an investment.

Interested in knowing more?

Go to this webpage and schedule a 30 minute FREE Strategy Call with me personally – https://nfps.info/btec-level-3-self-defence-trainer/

What are you waiting for?

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