NFPS Trainer and Refresher Course Dates For Your Diary

Hey Everyone

Here’s a quick update on our up and coming course dates for the remainder of 2020 so that you can plan your refreshers and attend any trainer training courses that you would like to.

Updated NFPS-BTEC Trainer Initial and Refresher Course Dates for 2024 are Now Available to Book

Here is a link to all of our recently Updated BTEC Physical Restraint Trainer, and BTEC Self-Defence Trainer course dates for 2024 –

PLEASE NOTE: Please note there is pre-course work that is required to be completed by those booking onto the BTEC courses

You can view dates for our NFPS Trainer Refresher courses by clicking on the following link –

To prevent you falling out of date and therefore loosing your accreditation please remember to book your refresher course!

Have a good weekend and if you have any questions please feel free to get in touch.

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