Recent Testimonials From Our BTEC Level 3 Restraint Instructor Award Course

The following are some recent testimonials that we have received regarding our BTEC Level 3 Restraint Instructor Award Course and I’d like to personally thank Jake, Danielle and Tony for their video testimonials as well as the kind words from Brian McDonald to was kind enough to comment on a post on LinkedIn regarding his experience on our training some years ago.

The point to extract from all of this is that my team and I really care about you and when you train with us we will do everything in our power to help you, in any way we can., but I’ll let the following videos and post speak for themselves …….

The reason I thought I’d share these with you is because this is what it is all about.

Being in business is all about relationships with people and it so nice when we hear from people who we have effected in a positive way.

The fact is that everything leads you somewhere so where you start isn’t necessarily where you will end up.

In fact we’ve had people train with us who have gone on to become white-water raft instructors, hypnotherapy, NLP and EFT Practitioners and run survival and bushcraft training. 

But one thing they all have in common was that it all started with attending our BTEC Level 3 Restraint Instructor Award Course.

This is because we also teach how phenomenal you are and how you can use your mind to follow your dreams and live the life you deserve. 

And I’d love to have you come and train with us so that you can experience this first-hand for yourself.

Two Places Left On Our Next Course In November!

Our Next five-day residential BTEC Level 3 Restraint Instructor Award Course is running between the 27th November – 1st December at the Lilleshall National Sports and Conferencing Centre (all food and accommodation is included).

However, we only now have two places left.

If you’d like to speak to me about the course complete the form below ……….

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