Understanding the Law and the Right to Act Appropriately

Understanding your rights and responsibility in self-defence, in a world where personal safety is a concern for many, is of paramount importance. The common misconception that one must wait for an attacker or assailant to strike the first blow is far from the reality of the law in the United Kingdom. UK law allows individuals to act appropriately, proportionately, and … Read more

Becoming a Self-Defence Trainer

Are you passionate about personal safety and helping others gain the confidence to avoid potentially threatening situations or protect themselves, if necessary? Becoming a self-defence trainer could be the perfect career path for you. In this article, we’ll explore how to become a self-defence trainer, whether self-teaching is a viable option, the terminology for someone who teaches self-defence, and the … Read more

Unveiling The Physiological Reactions to The Anticipation of Danger

In a world where survival has always been paramount, our bodies have evolved intricate mechanisms to respond to threats and dangers. When faced with violence and aggression, our ancient survival instincts kick in, triggering a cascade of physiological reactions. From the release of a complex chemical cocktail to the activation of the well-known fight, flight, or freeze response, our bodies … Read more

Understanding Physical Intervention: Techniques and Training

Physical intervention plays a critical role in various sectors, including healthcare, education, security and other work-related sectors. It involves the use of techniques to manage potentially dangerous situations and ensure the safety of all parties involved. In this article, we will delve into the concept of physical intervention, explore examples of its application, discuss the main types of physical intervention, … Read more

Unleash Your Inner Protector: Master the Art of Restraint with the BTEC Level 3 Restraint Instructor Award Course!

Discover the Secrets to Confidently Manage and Control Challenging Situations. Are You Ready to Transform Lives? Section 1: The Power of Skillful Restraint In a world where uncertainty and challenges can arise unexpectedly, the need for skilled individuals who can manage and de-escalate tense situations has never been greater. Welcome to the BTEC Level 3 Restraint Instructor Award Course – … Read more

The Importance of a Medical Risk Assessment in Physical Skills Training

Physical skills training encompasses a wide and varied range of activities, from fitness and sports to vocational and recreational pursuits and while these activities offer numerous benefits, they also carry inherent risks to the participants health, safety and wellbeing. This is why conducting a comprehensive medical risk assessment before an individual engages in physical skills training is of paramount importance. … Read more

Defining Reasonable Force – Balancing Control and Injury Prevention

The concept of reasonable force is a fundamental principle in legal frameworks worldwide, governing the permissible level of force individuals can use in various situations. However, the term “reasonable” is inherently subjective, making it difficult to create a universally applicable definition. This article looks into the complexities of defining reasonable force and highlights the need to get balance right between … Read more

The Changing Landscape of Police Response and How Selecting The Right Physical Intervention System is Paramount

In recent times, there has been a shift in how police services respond to calls for assistance from NHS Mental Health Units. Many of you will have heard of the ‘Right Care Right Person’ (RCRP) operational model developed by Humberside Police. In a letter sent to leaders of London health and social care providers on 24th May 2023, Commissioner Sir Mark … Read more

The Use of Neck Restraints in Restraint Techniques: An Argument for and Against

Introduction: The recent instruction by the Public Safety Minister to ban the use of neck restraints by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) has sparked a debate on the effectiveness and safety of such techniques. The RCMP’s Management Advisory Board has stated that neck restraints can be justified as a less lethal alternative to lethal force in some cases. Read … Read more

Has Aggression towards Reception and Healthcare Staff become Routine?

Research studies across 5 countries including the UK, show that Aggression towards GP receptionists is a ‘frequent and routine’ occurrence. Fact sheets covering the period 2010 to 2018 recorded an increase in reported incidents of aggression from 6 per 10,000 staff to 10+ per 10,000 staff. How much more would these figures have increased by if staff felt more empowered … Read more

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