Using Force To Maintain Good Order and Discipline

Using Force To Maintain Good Order and Discipline

In the past, I’ve spoken about the use of restrictive techniques that may cause (either intentionally or unintentionally) some discomfort, harm or pain.

I’ve mentioned that these techniques are not illegal, provided that they are used reasonably to prevent a greater harm, where no lesser use of force option would be an option.

This is even the case with children and young people.

Below is the introductory video to the course.

However, I’ve recently been involved with a couple of cases that raised issues with regards to whether the use of force to control a young person or a child can be legally used solely for the purposes of ‘maintaining good order and discipline’ within a secure training centre, care home, healthcare and/or school environment.

So, with the help of Eric Baskind, who has double-checked everything I’m about to tell you, I intend to give you a much bigger overview on the background to where this power to use physical force to maintain good order and discipline with children and young people came from.

And the reason that this is important is because as trainers, consultants and commissioning agencies, we can all be held accountable for the advice and instruction we provide to others.

Now if you’ve been following my videos and blog posts then you will also know that if we give advice and guidance that it legally incorrect, and someone is harmed as a result, then any insurance cover we have becomes ‘null-in-void’.

The Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015 and The Education and Inspections Act 2006

Now two primary Acts of Parliament state that staff can use force for the maintenance of GOAD.

They are The Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015 and The Education and Inspections Act 2006.

However, there have been a number of Court rulings that have highlighted that the use of force for the sole and primary purpose of maintaining GOAD is illegal.

And that is what this short course is going to reveal to you.
In it I’m going to give you a full chronology of the background to the The Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015, and The Education and Inspections Act 2006,

As well as an overview of what the law actually states with regard to this issue.

And, I’ve also provided you with the powerpoint slides of the presentation that I have used to make this course so that you can take them and use them in your own training delivery.

I have broken the course down into ten short videos so that you are not overwhelmed and so that you can stop or start again at your leisure.
Enjoy the course, and if you have any questions feel free to email me at

Purchase The Online Course Here

The cost of this online resource, including all of the powerpoint slides is only £47.00 + vat.

To purchase the course click here –

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