Is What We Teach Difficult To Learn? [Video]

Is what we teach difficult to learn,  is a question we get asked, normally because some people have been on courses whereby they have been exposed to a wide and diverse range of techniques that are taught by breaking the technique down into component parts with the trainer having to remember every name and component movement that makes up one technique.

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Always Have a Strategy

“Always have a strategy and stick to it” – Ray Arcel Ray Arcel was an American boxing trainer who was active from the 1920s through the 1980s who trained 20 world champions. When training Roberto Duran he told Duran: “There’s technique and there’s strategy. Technique is your every move, your every punch. It covers all of your short-term decisions. Strategy … Read more

How To Retire A Millionaire

Imagine you’re retired now and you are sitting in your rocking chair looking back over the best years of your life, wondering what your life could have been like and how your retirement could be different now had you made different choices and taken different decisions. You’ve worked hard all of your life. You are a good person. You never … Read more

Why Situational Awareness Fails

Why Situational Awareness Fails “Situational awareness” is the term used to describe the capacity of an individual or a team to keep track of the multiple factors that together impinge on safety. An example of this can be found in personal safety/self-defence training courses where individuals are taught to become more aware of their environment and what is going on … Read more

Can School Teachers Refuse To Restrain Children?

Can School Teachers Refuse To Restrain Children? Can school teachers refuse to restrain children? Let me re-frame the question. If a child or a fellow teacher was seriously injured or died because a teacher made the disastrous mistake of not intervening when they should have done, can you imagine the catastrophic series of events that would follow? The school and … Read more

Using Force To Maintain Good Order and Discipline

Using Force To Maintain Good Order and Discipline In the past, I’ve spoken about the use of restrictive techniques that may cause (either intentionally or unintentionally) some discomfort, harm or pain. I’ve mentioned that these techniques are not illegal, provided that they are used reasonably to prevent a greater harm, where no lesser use of force option would be an … Read more

Clarification on The SIA September 2018 Update [Video]

In this short video I want do address something that’s caused a lot of confusion which came out in an SIA newsletter in September 2018.

In that newsletter they had an article on vascular restraint, and there’s a paragraph in that article that’s obviously caused a lot of confusion because a lot of people have emailed me and called me on this.

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NFPS Polo and Sweat Shirts Available To Purchase

If you are a NFPS Trainer and you would like to purchase a NFPS Polo or Sweat Shirt (ideal for the coming colder weather) then you can do so by going to this link – NFPS Clothing Items for Sale  

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