How Can You Run a Restraint Trainer Course in 5 Days, The Pareto Principle, Ockhams Razor, Academics, Experts by Experience and Loads More

This is a video conversation between Trevel Henry and me on How Can You Run a Restraint Trainer Course in 5 Days, The Pareto Principle, Ockhams Razor, Academics and loads more!

Some of the topics covered are timestamped below so that see and find some of the subjects we talked about so sit yourself down with a cup of tea or coffee or a glass of your favourite tipple and enjoy:

01:45: How can we manage to train restraint trainers in 5 days?

02:42: The Pareto Principle (the 80/20 Rule) and how it can be implemented to provide more efficient training.

08:02: Ockham’s Rule – How we’ve applied it in our training development and how it changes people’s minds creating a paradigm shift in their thinking.

11:10: Police Handcuff Training in the early days comprising too many techniques.

11:51: The transition to simplify techniques and mixed messages in training.

12:36: Why is training so prescriptive and the conclusion we arrived at? Is it to blame the member fo staff when they got the technique wrong?

13:34: Staff are dealing with different motivations and didn’t join their respective industry to want to restrain the people they joined to look after and inspire.

14:55: The movement from prescriptive to inclusive training.

16:27: The ‘Use of Force Continuum’ that used to be used, but was possibly too rigid.

16:56: The importance of staff being able to use their judgement and discretion in a use of force situation.

17:27: Academia stated to creep into training with certain academics having no experience or competence in restraint.

17:58: Academic research that there is no need for dynamic pressurised training because there is no evidence that dynamic pressurised training works.

18:58: The views of ‘experts by experience’ and my views on their input, but is it going to far?

21:31: Academics not listening to restraint experts who don’t agree with what they say so they use ‘experts by experience’ and hide behind a suit of academia.

22:37: The use of scenario/dynamic/simulation based training and how real can you make it considering the time that staff are given to be trained and what else organisations need to consider.

24:03: Can techniques be removed on review if they are not being used?

24:59: Training providers saying that: “You can’t take any techniques out because it will not make the course legally defensible” and what could be the possible consequences of that?

27:19: Ground techniques – is there a need for them and should they be used or not and what about the placing of a leg on the neck of a restrained person?

30:39: Why not let go of people when they go to the ground?

33:30: The need for training to be safe first and then effective and ‘reality-based training’.

34:30: The use of matts for safety in training that don’t reflect the operational reality of taking people to the floor.

35:48: Patient-led descents to the floor and a discussion on pain-compliance and abuse.

37:44: A “planned decent for an unplanned patient-led decent to the floor”.

40:01: Time limits of certain restraints and where they came from.

42:29: Sickle-cell anaemia and excited delirium was known about years before it was ever common knowledge and implemented in training.

44:35: Dr John Parkes research into restraint positions and lung function and the ‘breathing talking fallacy’.

45:26: Knowing right from wrong.

46:12: The basket hold case and the risks of following the training programme where it is blatantly wrong and believing that they have to hold a restrained person on the floor in restraint until the police arrive.

48:02: Why there is a need for academics and inspectors to know more about what they comment and inspect on.

50:05: The problem with people putting training programmes together that they believe is the best but find out that no-one wants it.

51:20: Other factors on restraint positions that reduce breathing and lack of oxygen to the brain.

52:55: Restraint sometimes can be the first thing staff need to do as opposed to be the last resort.

54:50: The importance of empowering staff and the need for staff to be able to act with a degree of autonomy.

55:10: Back to the ‘Pareto Principle’ and how it can be used to make training more efficient and relevant so staff can clearly understand when and how to apply the skills and techniques that they learn with autonomy.

57:16: The question has to be asked – “Why can’t trainers run a training course in 5 days?”

59:04: a quick shout out to Peter Boatman and Mark ‘Bungy’ Williams.

And if you’d prefer the Podcast Version here it is ……..

Check Out Our BTEC Level 3 Restraint Instructor Award Course

And if you want to find out more about our BTEC Level 3 Restraint Instructor Award Course that can be run over five days then you can check it out here –

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