Interview With Tony Bleetman [Video]

This is a video interview I did with Tony Bleetman.

It follows on nicely from the one that I did with Eric Baskind the other day and adds a professional medical perspective on a lot of restraint related issues.

Some of the main points are time stamped below:

00:23 – Inspectorate issues with the Youth Justice Board over certain physical restraint techniques (similar to the recent CQC issues raised with Eric Baskind);

01:45 – The basic principles of how to assist an organisation to understand what the challenges are in managing behaviour even before we get to the physical skills required;

03:26 – Providing the skills relevant to the needs of the organisation;

04:18 – The use of pain-compliance techniques and ‘blanket-bans’ on techniques not being helpful;

05:15 – Tony’s introduction to the late great Peter Boatman and the challenge given and what it taught him;

07:29 – Tony’s introduction to other industry sectors;

08:52 – The importance of working with the co-operation of staff and management to address the skills needed and how the system can evolve over time;

09:53 – Why having a rigid and inflexible set of physical skills don’t work;

11:26 – The ‘open book’ approach to helping organisations get what they need;

13:42 – The economic benefits to the organisation in the cost savings and how we saved one organisation 1/2 a million pounds in six months and the other savings in terms of litigation etc;

15:34 – Why are some techniques being taught that shouldn’t be taught?;

20:38 – A funny story about a ‘shin-kick and a fire extinguisher’;

22:53 – The important point about staff being allowed to use reasonable force if and when presented with a situation they couldn’t have planned for;

24:53 – Dealing with issues that hadn’t be dealt with properly before such as, nasogastric feeding and ligature removal;

26:42 – The George Floyd case and the ‘breathing talking fallacy’ (as in the Jimmy Mubenga case) and some important facts on positional asphyxia;

32:58 – The three mechanisms of death from pressure to the neck;

34:29 – The belief that when door supervisors (for example) restrain someone on the floor they must hold the restrained person there until the police arrive.

And here’s the Podcast version …………..

Check Out Our BTEC Level 3 Restraint Instructor Award Course

And if you want to find out more about our BTEC Level 3 Restraint Instructor Award Course that can be run over five days then you can check it out here –

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