Level 3 Physical Intervention Trainer Course
Level 3 Physical Intervention Trainer Course Benefits - The Benefits To You When You Choose To Qualify As a Level 3 Physical Intervention Trainer With Us

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Thinking of Attending a Level 3 Physical Intervention Trainer Course? - Read This Personal Letter From The Desk of Trevel Henry First
We obviously run level 3 physical intervention training courses I would love for you to make the decision to join our level 3 physical intervention trainer course. But at this point I am not interested in is in trying to sell you a level 3 physical intervention trainer course (and that may sound strange, but please bear with me for a minute or two so that I can explain why).
Well firstly, there is no catch. I genuinely and sincerely want to make sure that attending a level 3 physical intervention trainer course is the right choice for you.
Secondly, if you do decide to train with us then I will be one-hundred percent committed to be there for you. That means we will be there for you when you need us to help and support you long after the training has ended. That takes a lot of investment of time, money and resources on our part so that’s why it’s important to find out if we are a good fit for each other.

Trevel Henry
PS: A lot of people also ask us “What is The Difference Between Control and Restraint, PMVA, MVA, Positive Handling, Physical Restraint, Physical Intervention and Care and Control Training?” This blog post explains – https://nfps.info/what-is-the-difference-between-control-and-restraint-pmva-mva-positive-handling-physical-restraint-physical-intervention-and-care-and-control-training/
PS: Check out these post below to see what I mean ….

What is The Difference Between Control and Restraint, PMVA, MVA, Positive Handling, Physical Restraint, Physical Intervention and Care and Control Training?
One of the most frequently asked questions people also ask us is “What is The Difference Between Control and Restraint, PMVA, MVA, Positive Handling, Physical Restraint, Physical Intervention and Care and Control Training?”
The video on the right will answer that question for you because at the end of the day, no matter what you call it, when we restrict someone’s liberty we have in effect restrained someone.
I hope you find the video useful and feel free to share this page if you feel it may help others.
Gain A Massive Advantage Over Your Competition By Being Able To Deliver Physical Intervention Training That Is More Legally Defensible Than The Rest

A major benefit for you when you enrol on our level 3 physical intervention trainer course is that you will receive training that is legally defensible.
Learn To Run Your Physical Intervention Training Courses Safely!

Delivering physical intervention training courses also comes with it’s risks and because of the nature of the activity. People can get injured if the training isn’t supervised and run safely and that can end up with a trainer being sued for negligence – but don’t worry, that won’t be you!
You will also receive copies of all of our physical intervention training risk assessments in your training material that have been developed and checked by health and safety professionals.
Teach Physical Intervention Techniques That Have Been Medically Reviewed

When you enrol on our level 3 physical intervention trainer course you will receive has also been medically reviewed by Dr. Tony Bleetman. Tony is one of the preferred Home Office medical specialists in the use of physical intervention. He has been involved in numerous cases of physical intervention related injury and death and he currently reviews physical intervention trainer courses all over the world.
What this means is that the physical intervention techniques that you will be taught (and which you will go on to teach to your students) have been medically reviewed by one of the most respected medical professionals in the UK today.
People Are Still Dying During Physical Intervention Because of Poor Training and Outdated Physical Intervention Techniques - Don't Be The One Who Teaches Them!
I’m sure that you will have seen the death of George Lloyd, who was killed by a police officer in the USA, who knelt on his neck for over nine minutes.

In this module you will get access to a complete lecture from Dr. John Parkes who has carried out ground breaking research into physical intervention positions and lung function.
Is This BTEC Level 3 Award Physical Intervention Trainer Course Suitable For You?

Our Level 3 Physical Intervention Trainer Course also qualifies you with a BTEC Level 3 Award in Physical Restraint Instruction. So if you are looking to gain a proper qualification then our five day level 3 physical intervention trainer course is for you.
What Does Our Level 3 Physical Intervention Trainer Course Involve?
Our five-day Level 3 Physical intervention Trainer Course qualifies you with a BTEC Level 3 Award in Physical Restraint Instruction.
The Two Main Areas
This course itself is broken down into two areas:
Pre-Course Learning (Estimated Time 15 - 20 Hours)
The pre-course learning is all done online and covers the following areas, which form all of Unit 1 and part of Unit 2 and is designed to help you:
The Five-Day Attendance Part
The attendance part of the course covers Units 2 and 3 which are the ‘Physical Skill Instruction’ [Unit 2] and the ‘Delivering Physical Restraint Training Sessions’ [Unit 3] of the Award.
- Instruct others in the least restrictive methods of physical intervention.
- Demonstrate how to work effectively as part of a restraint team.
- Demonstrate various low-level techniques to hold and support a person in a seated position.
- Demonstrate appropriate de-escalation techniques from a standing and a seated position.
- Explain the difference between least restrictive methods and more restrictive methods of control.
- Demonstrate techniques to hold and support a person in a standing position.
- Demonstrate how to de-escalate restraint from a restrictive to a least restrictive technique.
- Demonstrate how to effectively move someone off the floor to a safer position.
- Demonstrate the use of appropriate skills to release from a range of grabs and holds.
- Demonstrate the use of appropriate skills to defend against punches, slaps and kicks.
- Demonstrate the use of appropriate skills to defend against strangles, chokes and bites.
To help you with this, we provide you with a current up to date manual, checklist and good tutor to learner ratios so that we can provide you with adequate supervision and instruction.
What If I Fail?
I'm Dyslexic - Does That Matter?
Absolutely not. We are an equal opportunities provider and we will make every reasonable adjustment to help you in any way we can. If you need any help and support we are 100% there for you. Remember this, some of the most successful people that ever lived were dyslexic, so dyslexia is not a barrier that will prevent you from passing this physical intervention trainer course.
Will I Get 'Beasted'?
What Level Of Fitness Is Required and Am I Too Old?
I'f You Are Nervous and/or a Female And Read The Following & Watch The Videos Below
We have had lots of females attend our courses over the years and we do understand how it can be for a woman entering what could be perceived as a male dominated environment.
Therefore, we do everything we can to make our female friends welcome and at ease.
This industry needs more female trainers and we will look after you as the testimonial from Amanda shows opposite and if you are a prospective female trainer check out the video reviews below.

Our Level 3 Physical Intervention Trainer Course Is Easy To Learn,
Easy To Remember and Easy To Teach

We have also had an independent review of our physical intervention trainer course undertaken by Southampton University on behalf of the Priory Group, who were one of our large healthcare clients and an extract from the survey is as follows:
What Does That Mean?
What this means is, that there is nothing difficult for you to learn and why should there be?
The aim of our physical intervention trainer course is to qualify you as a physical intervention instructor. And we can help you achieve that much more easily by removing all the unnecessary baggage and only teaching you what is necessary.
This is an extract from a video interview with Trevel Henry who asked me how we managed to run a Level 3 Physical Intervention Trainer Course in 5 Days.
This is a video testimonial from Palkesh Darbar who had, before training with us, been trained on a three-week course.
You Can Also Take Additional BTEC Awards Whilst On The Course
Another major benefit in training with us is that you can take multiple Awards when you train with us, too.
BTEC Level 3 Award in The Delivery of Conflict Management Training

For a minimal fee of only £499.00 + Vat, you can attain a Recognised BTEC Level 3 Conflict Management Trainers Award – which is one of the Awards required for those of you who wish to teach in the Door Supervision / Security Industry. This course as a stand alone is £750 + Vat.
BTEC Level 3 Award in Education & Training

You are probably aware it is a requirement of many industry sectors that trainers now also possess a teaching qualification, which is what the Level 3 Award in Education and Training will give you.
BTEC Level 3 Award For Deliverers of Physical Intervention To The Private Security Industry Award (Qcf)

If you are looking to provide physical intervention training for Door Supervisors you are required to hold the Level 3 Award for Deliverers of Physical Intervention Training in the Private Security Industry, which you can obtain for a minimal fee of only £375.00 + Vat when you attend our five-day BTEC Level 3 Advanced Restraint & Breakaway Instructors Course. This course as a stand alone will cost in the region of £650 + Vat.
Free SIA Physical Intervention Course Material
On successful completion of this Award with us we will provide you with all of the materials you require to run the Physical Intervention Level 2 (Module 4) Unit of the Door Supervisors License to Practice Award for FREE.
BTEC Level 3 Award in The Safe & Effective Use of Restraint Equipment
(Handcuff Trainer Qualification)

You can also attain a Recognised BTEC Level 3 Handcuff Trainers Award during your week with us too.
Here's a Summary of the Benefits That You Will Receive When You Choose To Attend Our Next Five-Day Level 3 Physical Intervention Trainer Course

Our Venue - The Lilleshall National Sports & Conferencing Centre
All of our Level 3 Physical Intervention Trainer Courses are run at the Lilleshall National Sports and Conferencing Centre, near Telford, Shropshire TF10 9LQ.
Our 100% No Quibble - Money Back Guarantee
When you attend our five day Level 3 Physical Intervention Trainer Course (and qualify with a BTEC Level 3 Physical Restraint Instructor Award), should you decide by the end of day 1, for whatever reason, that the course hasn’t met your expectations, or that it just isn’t for you, I will personally give you a 100% refund – no questions asked.

Please note that our Money Back Guarantee is subject to all pre-course work having being successfully completed prior to attending the course.
You Also Get Access To Our NFPS Trainers Only Facebook Groups
To help you grow and develop as an instructor and (if you have or are starting a business) to grow and develop your business, we also give you access to our NFPS Trainers Only Facebook Group, where you can get lots of free support and advice (and even pick up work too) and our NFPS Coaching and Mentoring Group, which will give you lots of free information to help you market and grow your business.
Become a NFPS Ltd Licensed Centre & Deliver NFPS and BTEC Level 2 Course
Once you qualify with us you are also eligible to apply to become a NFPS Licensed Centre, and that means that you can run a number of NFPS and BTEC Level 2 pre-prepared and packaged courses written to an Awarding Organisation standards, which can save you a lot of time and money in having to write and produce your own material, whilst giving you a leading-edge advantage and point of difference to your competitors in the marketplace.
You also get listed on our Licensed Centre web page, which is a great way of getting some online exposure and demonstrating to your prospective customers that you have been trained by and are part of one of the most respected organisations in it’s field. The video above explains.
This Is Why So Many People Choose Us As Their Preferred Training Provider
The following are some video testimonials from people, just like you, who have completed this course so that you can see and hear for yourself their opinions on what we offer. Many of the people you will see and hear from below have trained with other training providers, so they have something to compare our training with too.
And Here Are Some More Comments From Others Who We Have Trained or Helped
In addition to the videos that you have just seen, here are some comments from lots of other people, many of who themselves are experts in their chosen field, who have been kind enough to go public on their views and opinions about us.