Conflict Management Trainer Award Course
Date: 10th September 2025
Venue: The Lilleshall National Sports and Conferencing Centre, near Telford, Shropshire,
TF10 9AT
Cost: £499+ Vat
To Secure Your Place Choose Your Payment Option Below
1 x Payment of £499 + Vat
3 x Payments of £167 + Vat
Due to a number of requests we will be running our next BTEC Level 3 Conflict Management Trainer Award Course on the 11th September 2024.
As usual, our training will go way beyond what most training providers deliver to give you a holistic and fully-rounded approach to teaching conflict management and resilience training.
Course Aim
The aim of the course will be to qualify you with a BTEC Level 3 Award in The Delivery of Conflict Management Training, but as with everything else we do, we will be giving you so much more.
The course will also include training and instruction on:
1: Quantum Thinking – Understanding how our thoughts affect our psychology and physiology and how we can control them,
2: NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) language structures and Eye Accessing Cues;
3: The Benefits of Mindfulness & Meditation in Resolving Conflict and building Resilience.
This is what makes our Conflict Management Training unique and sets us apart from other training providers who just peddle out the same old models and techniques.
If you want something more, with up to date cutting edge information that works, then this is definitely the course for you.
Quantum Thinking – Understanding How Our Thoughts Affect Our Psychology and Physiology
There is a well known link between the way we choose to think, the experiences we have and the quality of our lives.
As we come out of this pandemic we will enter a world where things will never be the same again and to cope with this change we will need now, more than ever before, strategies and skills that will help us not just survive but strive.
A famous Greek philosopher called Epictetus once said:
“People are not disturbed by things, but by the views they take of them.”
Therefore, it isn’t what happens but what we think about those circumstances and what we choose to do or not do about it that defines our true destiny.
Bruce Lipton is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. Stem cell biologist, bestselling author of The Biology of Belief and recipient of the 2009 Goi Peace Award, he has been a guest speaker on hundreds of TV and radio shows, as well as keynote presenter for national and international conferences. Watch the following video to find out a bit more about the type of information you’ll be receiving on this course …..
So as part of this course I’m going to show you how you can literally take control of your mind and choose the way you wish to think.
And, if you change the way you think you can literally change your life!
As part of this course I am going to show you lots of evidence-based research on not only how your mind affects your body but also how the way you choose to think literally creates your life experience.
NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Language Structures
For me learning NLP literally changed my life and allowed me to go from being broke (nearly bankrupt) to turning my life around and running a successful business, having fulfilling relationships and more importantly, aligning my values with my business, professional and personal lifestyle.
What NLP is really good at is modelling excellence as Richard Bandler, one of the co-founders of NLP, talks about in this video.
As part of this course I will teach you about NLP language structures so you will be able to instantly know not only what someone is saying but how they are saying it. By understanding this valuable skill you will be able to build rapport with people almost instantaneously, which is a massive advantage when it comes to managing conflict.
What’s Mindfulness Meditation Got To Do With Conflict Management?
This is what Gillian Higgins; an international Criminal Barrister at 9 Bedford Row, who is also the founder of Practical Meditation and the author of Mindfulness at Work and Home said in one of her articles:
“Conflict is an innate part of life. Even so, it can be hard to tackle it in a way that transforms relationships for the better. When a conflict arises, mindfulness invites you to approach it non-judgementally. Rather than lashing out, or reacting habitually, it invites you to pause, take a moment and breathe slowly. This helps you assess how to respond rather than knee-jerk react. Among colleagues, this could mean the difference between an angry row and a robust exchange of words.
Mindfulness grows your self-awareness and helps you refrain from leaping to assumptions about others you might otherwise make. This ‘one step removed’ approach helps to de-escalate conflict and leaves room for the benefit of the doubt. It’s easy to attribute motive to another’s actions, but if you’re able to leave judgement aside for just a few moments, you have a chance of seeing the situation for what it really is, rather than what you think it’s about. It also helps you take disputes less personally.
One of the great benefits of mindfulness is its ability to repair the consequences of conflict. This can be vital where people work side by side everyday. It doesn’t necessarily mean they argue less, but rather they engage with greater awareness and empathy for the other’s point of view. People become more willing to accept that everyone falls prey to strong emotions, such as anger, pride or jealousy. They become less attached to the emotions themselves and more able to work on the heart of a disagreement. The teaching of mindfulness within the workplace helps to grow self-awareness, compassion and resilience. The breathing space it affords is often just enough to provide the pause necessary to avert or de-escalate an argument – or even a fight.”
Mindfulness Meditation Increases Resilience
Resilience has been described as the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties, and we have all had our fair share of those during the last year.
One of the great benefits of practicing mindfulness and awareness is that we become more flexible and more resilient.
But meditation can also be useful in more dynamic ways. Meditation can help you do more than slow down your racing thoughts-it can help you think quicker. It can help you adapt to rapidly changing circumstances. It can be a key tool in promoting resilience. Without doubt, stress reduction improves resilience.
During these refreshers I will show you the evidence behind these facts and how you can adopt simple mindful meditation practices into your training and your life.
Trauma Informed Practice
The ultimate aim of trauma informed practice is to raise awareness amongst all staff to understand that all behaviour is a form of communication. Some people may not have the vocabulary to explain or may be too scared to articulate what has happened to them. It is about thinking differently with empathy and understanding, whilst prioritising the well-being of all.
A trauma informed approach is one that approaches all interactions as an opportunity to strengthen relationships and to foster positive thinking habits.
The BTEC Level 3 Award in The Delivery of Conflict Management Training
As part of this course you will be able to obtain the BTEC Level Award in the Delivery of Conflict Management Training.
This is a Nationally Recognised Qualification issued by an Awarding Organisation (Pearsons) which is Regulated by Ofqual, which gives you a unique trainer qualification in this area of work.
The course comprises two Units and a breakdown of each Unit can be seen below:
Unit 1: Managing Conflict in the Workplace when Dealing with Customers, Service Users or the Public
This unit is intended for people who need a knowledge of conflict management when dealing with conflict with customers, service users or the public.
This unit covers how to avoid and manage conflict situations. It is applicable in a range of roles where there is direct contact with customers, service users and the general public. The unit includes how communication skills can be used both to avoid conflict and to resolve problems once conflict has been defused. It then considers the factors that influence human responses in a conflict situation, for example, triggers and inhibitors, and moves on to ways in which to assess and reduce risks in conflict situations. The unit also covers how communication skills can be used to de-escalate conflict and post-incident issues, such as support and the importance of sharing good practice.
In order to pass this unit, the evidence that the learner presents for assessment needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria determine the standard required to achieve the unit.
On completion of this unit a learner will:
1. Know how communication can be used to solve problems and reduce the likelihood of conflict
2. Know the factors that influence human responses in conflict situations
3. Know how to assess and reduce risks in conflict situations
4. Know how to communicate effectively and de-escalate conflict in emotive situations
5. Know good practice to follow after conflict situations
Unit 2: Delivering Scenario-Based Conflict Management Training
This unit is intended for people who will be delivering scenario-based training in conflict management.
This unit allows trainee-tutors to apply their knowledge of conflict management to allow them to teach it effectively in a scenario-based approach. They will learn about the principles and benefits of scenario-based conflict management training and about how to plan and design effective session plans and scenarios. They will then have learn about how to deliver an effective a training session, including debriefing participants afterwards, which they will have to put into practice by delivering a session that they have designed.
Finally, trainee-tutors will learn about different methods of evaluating effectiveness. They will have the opportunity to put all of this into practice, being assessed on their ability to design and deliver a session plan and scenario, and afterwards to evaluate their own effectiveness.
In order to pass this unit, the evidence that the learner presents for assessment needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria determine the standard required to achieve the unit.
On completion of this unit a learner will:
1. Understand the principles of scenario-based conflict management training
2. Be able to plan and design scenario- based conflict management training
3. Be able to deliver scenario-based conflict management training
4. Know how to evaluate own performance
Distance / Guided learning – All Materials Pre-Prepared for You!
If you choose to do you Conflict Management Award with us you will be given all of the resources required to complete the vast majority of the work required for all of Unit 1 and part of Unit 2 by distance learning. The documentation for all of the learning requirements above has been already produced for you. Including resource material and links to appropriate web-resources where appropriate to help you complete each task effortlessly and with ease.
Teaching Practice and Micro-Teaching
Teaching practice is not a requirement to achieve the unit in this qualification other than as micro-teaching for assessment purposes. Candidates should be involved in at least one 30-minute micro-teaching session, which should be observed and assessed by a member of the delivery team as well as the learner.
Course Duration
1 Day
The BTEC Level 3 Award in the Delivery of Conflict Management Training.
Course Benefits
The benefits of being a properly qualified BTEC Level 3 Conflict Management Trainer can open up new opportunities for you and add an additional income stream into your organisation or consultancy.
By law, any person providing advice must be suitably qualified and competent to do so and by undertaking this Award you will be demonstrating that you have completed a formal process of learning, development and assessment.ur
Bonus Material
Bonus 1: Free Access To The Online Conflict Management Masterclass Value £155 + Vat
This online course is all the material that I have delivered on a previous 2 x Day Conflict Management Masterclass, with additional videos of Barry Winbolt talking about ‘The Psychology of Conflict Resolution’ and ‘Verbal Aikido’.
There is also information about ‘Safewards’, which is a system produced by Professor Len Bowers and which the Department of Health document ‘Positive and Proactive Care’ recommends for use in health care settings.
Bonus 2: Workbooks and Powerpoint Presentations: Valued at £500 + Vat
Bonus #2 is all of the powerpoint presentations you will ever need to run your own Conflict Management Training.
In this bonus there are 12 pre-prepared powerpoint presentations many of which have been professionally put together as well as a conflict management workbook.
This means that you have everything you need to start delivering your CM training from without needing to produce anything.