March 2025 Handcuff & Softcuff Trainer Refresher Courses
To Book Your Place Simply Click On The Green 'Book Now' Button.

The cost of the course does include your lunch on the course but does not include accommodation for the night before the course or breakfast on the day of the course. If you do require a room for the night before the course this can be added as an additional option in the shopping cart.
But Why Refresh?
One of the main reasons why you need to refresh your training is because of Health and Safety Legislation. Regulation 13(3) of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 states that:
“The training referred to in paragraph (2) shall –
a) be repeated periodically where appropriate;
b) be adapted to take account of any new or changed risks to the health and safety of the employees concerned; and
c) take place during working hours.”
In addition, we also know that what we learn degrades with time. For example, research shows that if we are told something then our recall after three weeks is 70% but after three months is only 10%. If we are told and shown something then our recall after three weeks is 72% but after three months is only 32%. If however, we are told, shown and experience something then our recall after three weeks is 85% but after three months is 65%, however, as many agencies do not do pressurised / dynamic training so that their staff can ‘experience’ it full it is possible that the 65% recall after 3 months is less. Also, even these figures will degrade further between three and twelve months. That is why refresher training is important.
Regulation 13(1) of the same Regulations states that:
“Every employer shall, in entrusting tasks to his employees, take into account their capabilities as regards health and safety.”
Therefore, all employers are legally required to ensure that their staff are capable of doing what they are being tasked to do (as part of their employed role) to a competent standard, and this requires training and re-training at regular periods, and this also applies to those of you who are self-employed as it is your responsibility to ensure that you remain competent and up to date with any changes (legislative or otherwise) that have a bearing on what you provide for your clients.
All individuals will receive a New NFPS Ltd Approved Instructors Certificate valid for 12 months.