Level 3 Risk Assessment Course

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1 x Payment of £499 + Vat

Why Should I Bother? What's In It For Me?

  • It is a legal requirement for every employer and self-employed person to make an assessment of the health and safety risks arising out of their work, which means that is you fail to carry out a risk assessment that can leave you liable for any injury should someone get injured as a result of your breaching the duty of care you owe to them.
  • You are also the person ultimately responsible for health and safety in your business, which means that you are ultimately responsible for ensuring that any risk assessments are done to the appropriate standard.
  • You can delegate the task, but as the business owner, you still remain ultimately responsible for it. This means means the person you delegate it to needs to understand your business and all of the hazards and risks involved and that means that you will have to spend your time explaining everything to them. That’s why (for small businesses, including training providers and martial arts clubs, etc) you are better off investing the time in getting trained to do them yourself (and it doesn’t take long)!
  • In recent years, penalties for health and safety breaches in the UK have steadily risen and the ten highest H&S fines of 2019 were all over £1 million so can you imagine what a fine like that would do to your business and your life?
  • And, if you are investigated and found to be in breach of health and safety law, you also have to pay for the time it takes the Health & Safety Executive investigation and the hourly rate is £163 per hour so you end up paying to be investigated and (if found guilty) for your own prosecution!
  • In one case one company was fined a total of £60,000 plus prosecutions costs of £45,548 and the contractor was ordered to pay £20,000 plus prosecution costs of 15,516!
  • The good news is you don’t need any specific training or qualifications to carry out a risk assessment, however, you must be a competent person, which is someone with the necessary skills, knowledge and experience to manage health and safety and that is exactly what this course will give you!
  • This course will take you through everything you need to know and do to produce risk assessments and at the end of the course when you submit your assessment, we will issue you with a Level 3 Risk Assessor Certificate of Competence which is your evidence that you are competent to do risk assessments because you have gone through a structured process of learning and development.
  • In this course we take you through the Manual Handling Regulations and how they apply to physical techniques so if you teach physical restraint (also known as PMVA/MVA/Positive Handling) you can produce a risk assessment around your physical skills, which will also set you apart from your competitors.
  • There is also a section on ‘Risk Assessing Violence in The Workplace’ so if you work in an industry where there is risk of staff being exposed to violence you will know how to risk assess that to a competent standard (no other risk assessment course does that)!

Dear Colleague

From the Desk of Mark Dawes

This course will be on of the best investments you will ever make and let me tell you why.

Risk assessments are a legal requirement for your business, be it a large or small one, and whether you run a charity or a not for profit organisation so if you run a training company, healthcare organisation, care home, school martial arts club, etc., the law applies to you directly.

The problem you you may have therefore is that you may not have done them or maybe you have tried to do them without having any proper training, which means you would not be classed as a competent person under Health and Safety legislation which means your risk assessment wouldn’t protect you if someone tried to sue you or if the Health & Safety Executive investigated you and/or decided to prosecute you (a privilege you also pay for at a rate of £154 per hour).

You are also probably someone who has put everything into your business. You may also be someone who has turned their passion into a business, so you love what you do and enjoy the freedom that running your own business gives you. Your business may also be a family affair which will be the legacy you leave to your children or grandchildren, which is one of the greatest things you can leave behind, that will pass on the financial security and freedom onto them that you have worked and struggled so hard to build.  

So imagine for a moment if that was all taken away from you because someone got injured as a result of you having not done a risk assessment to identify the risk and what safety measures you could have put in place to have prevented it happening.

In one recent case (Kennedy v Cordia (Services) LLP UKSC) the Supreme Court (the Highest Court in the land) held that an employer was held liable for the injuries sustained by a home carer who had simply slipped whilst walking on an icy public footpath due to her employers failure to carry out a suitable risk assessment and provide her with any personal protective equipment. 

So imagine if a similar thing happened to you. 

For example, someone slipped in a classroom and injured themselves, or they were injured in a physical skills training session because you hadn’t done a risk assessment of the activity and any equipment you were using. And what if someone gets injured at work because they hadn’t received any training or (and this is just as worse) the training provided for them was not fit for purpose and/or they hadn’t been given the appropriate personal protective equipment. The list goes on…..

And the worst feeling in the world is when you get a letter drop through your letterbox from a solicitor stating that their client is suing you for damages. When that happens you feel a sinking and sick feeling in your stomach, your mouth goes as dry like a desert in summer, your arms turn to clay as your hands become heavy as in an instant you see images in your mind of everything you have been literally taken away from you. You then have to break the news to your business partner (that may even be your husband or wife) and as you do you see the fear in their face as they too start to imagine a very bleak and dark future. And what about your kids? All the things you dreamt about that you wanted to provide for them that you may have never had could be taken away. 

You realise that you could face financial ruin which means you might not be able to meet the mortgage payment on your house and what type of job would you get when this is all over? Who is going to employ someone who was prosecuted for negliglence in their own business? You may have to close the business and the press will never let the truth get in the way of a good story so you may find your business and private life being reported in the press if you are prosecuted and/or found guilty of negligence, and if that failure led to a death you could face criminal charges and even a length prison sentence. And what about the stigma attached to that? This could result in your kids being teased and maybe even bullied at school because someone got seriously injured or killed because you did nothing to prevent it. 

As a result you may even have to move home and try and start over someplace else which involves moving away from friends, relatives and loved ones. The kids will need to go to a different school and try and make new friends and all of this could damage their mental health as well as yours and your partners.

And how do I know all this? Well I was a health and safety representative for a large union many years ago and I have seen first hand what organisations will do when something goes wrong. They will try and shift the blame onto whoever they can and that will be whoever they decide was responsible. 

I’ve also worked as an Expert Witness giving expert testimony in many courts in the UK and I have seen people and companies lose, time after time, all because they didn’t have a risk assessment in place for a hazard that was foreseeable or because the risk assessment submitted in their defence wasn’t done by a suitably competent person (so it was easy to tear holes in it, which is what lawyers love doing). 

The sad part of all of that was I also saw good, decent, genuine law abiding people get found guilty too because they didn’t know that they had to  a risk assessment. But the law is a dispassionate process and ignorance of the law is no excuse, so they ended up being found guilty. Don’t let this be you. 

That’s why you must do this course.

What The Course Covers

This course will take you through everything you need to know and do to produce risk assessments and at the end of the course when you submit your assessment, we will issue you with a Level 3 Risk Assessor Certificate of Competence which is your evidence that you are competent to do risk assessments because you have gone through a structured process of learning and development.

And don’t worry if your final assessment doesn’t pass first time. We’ll give you feedback and will continue to do so until you do pass because we are one hundred percent committed to you passing this course. 

This course is different from any other risk assessment course you will do, because most risk assessment courses focus purely on large manufacturing industry sectors, but not this one. 

In this course we take you through the Manual Handling Regulations and how they apply to physical techniques so if you teach physical restraint (also known as PMVA/MVA/Positive Handling) you can produce a risk assessment around your physical skills, which will also set you apart from your competitors.

There is also a section on ‘Risk Assessing Violence in The Workplace’ so if you work in an industry where there is risk of staff being exposed to violence you will know how to risk assess that to a competent standard (no other risk assessment course does that).

HSE, TUC and CBI Joint Statement On Covid 19

This is a short video that I put out on Saturday 18th April 2020. It shows the  joint statement that has been issued between HSE (The HEalth and Safety Executive), the TUC (Trade Union Congress) and the CBI (Confederation of British Industry). It is definietly worth a watch!!

My 100% No Quibble - Money Back Guarantee

In fact I am so sure that you will benefit form what I can do for you I will give you a 100% cast iron guarantee that if you invest in this course but then decide it is not for you I will give you 100% of your money back – no questions asked!

What To Do Next .......

To book your place on this course and to get access to the training immediately, simply choose one of the three payment options below to suit your budget.

1 x Payment of £499 + Vat

Earn Money Doing Risk Assessments For Others

Being competent at doing risk assessments is also a great way of generating additional income for yourself and your family too.

When we all come out of this Covid 19 period there is going to an increased demand for good, competent risk assessors, because all organisations will be very much more risk aware and will not make the mistake of not planning for any hazard or risk that could cripple their businesses. 

Possibly The Best Investment You Will Make This Year

This will be one of the  best investments you will ever make. People spend years investing in their business, their pensions, ISA’s, building society saving accounts, stocks, shares and property and they buy insurance to safeguard all of that, but what they don’t know is that all of that can be taken away with one successful claim and if you are found negligent your insurance won’t pay out! 

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