“In 2009 The Priory Group undertook a review of their Management of Violence and Aggression (MVA) training. After carrying out the review the decision was taken to change our approach to this training by adopting the NFPS Ltd system of work because we were looking for a more evidence-based approach to training provision which was:
1. Legally defensible
2. Ethically and morally appropriate for our range of client services
3. Which actually worked in practice – an important factor when considering the staff who would be expected to use the skills
4. Provided a cost-effective, safe system of work
Since moving over to the NFPS system of work we have managed to achieve all of the above points – as well as providing training that keeps our clients and staff safe, a major benefit has seen indirect and direct cost savings.
In addition, we also reduced the number of techniques now taught to staff from 137 to only 7. This is important in that if something is easy to learn it can be easily taught, and, more importantly, easily recalled when required in situations of high emotional arousal.
Recently we conducted an independent comparative survey of the new NFPS system against the previous system used. The research project was undertaken by the University of Southampton and the aim of the report was to ensure that the NFPS system of work is acceptable clinically, ethically and legally.
The findings from the survey were as follows:
1. The training provided by NFPS Ltd is consistent with all of the legal requirements for training that the Priory is expected to comply with, such as: the Mental Health Act [2007], the NHS paper ‘Proposed Standards for Training in the Prevention and Therapeutic Management of Violence in Adult Mental Health Settings [2003] and the Mental Health Act Code of Practice [2008], NICE Guidance [2005], the Care Quality Commission [2009] guidance that highlights staff support, appropriate training, safer services for patients and investment in the workforce with regard to their wellbeing and safety.
2. With regard to the use of force with children and young people the training provided by NFPS Ltd complies with all of the legislative requirements and is consistent with the following legislation: The Children Act 1989, The United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child, The Education and Inspections Act 2007 and the relevant guidance issued by various Government departments.
3. The training provided by NFPS Ltd is also compliant with all of the relevant statutory requirements in relation to the use of physical force including; Common and Criminal Law and the Human Rights Act 1998.
4. In addition, the training provided by NFPS ltd meets all of the Health and Safety legislative requirements, including techniques which are developed and assessed for risk consistent with the manual handling regulations 1992.
5. The seven techniques provided by the NFPS system of work provide sufficient restriction of patients to prevent aggressive or violent behaviour and were suitable across all clinical areas that the Priory, including Secure Services, Adults, Adolescents, Acute Services and Eating Disorders.
6. The staff feel supported and able to cope with the circumstances that may arise in all of the service areas because of the simplicity of the techniques and the legal and ethical underpinning the NFPS Ltd system of work provides.
7. All staff that took part in the survey confirmed that the training they receive is easier to work with than the previous system of work used.
The one thing that makes NFPS Ltd stand out is the ongoing support we get. If any advice is needed Mark Dawes is only a phone call or an e-mail away and we are able to call upon him at any time to assist us in any issue that we feel we require his input into – and most of this is done at no additional cost.
The training style used by NFPS is brilliant. Unlike some providers, it is not demonstrative or autocratic. It is totally inclusive. Learners on courses are made to feel very welcome and put at ease right from the start and I think this is because Mark and John know their subject inside-out.”
Janet Cowie
Group HRD Manager