Restraint & Handcuff Instructor Refresher Courses

September 2025 Refresher Dates

These are the 3 x 1-Day Refresher Courses. To Book Your Place Choose 1 Of The 3 x 1-Day Option Dates Below 

Select Your Course

PLEASE NOTE: Accommodation is NOT included. If you require any please add it when you make your booking

Free Report - How Often Should Restraint Training Be Refreshed ......

Free Report – How Often Should Restraint Training Be Refreshed?

This free report will walk you through the various pieces of legislation and regulations that relates to when restraint and/or breakaway training should be refreshed.

It covers: Health & Safety Legislation and Regulations, The Human Rights Act, The Mental Health Units (Use of Force) Act 2018, The Department of Health Positive and Proactive Care Document, Skills For Health and Skills For Care Guidance.

It is a great reference document for any individual or organisations management who needs to understand about the importance of refresher training.

To get your copy, click here – ‘How often should restraint training be refreshed?’

Combined Restraint Trainer and Handcuff Trainer Refresher Courses: September 2025

This year we have combined the Restraint Trainer Refresher with a Handcuff Trainer Refresher so if you are already a qualified Handcuff Trainer with us then both of your refreshers will be run on this one day.

There Are Three 1 x Day Refresher Courses To Choose From in  September, which are: 

September 2025: 24th, 25th or 26th September 2025.

This will save you time and money (because there is no additional charge for the additional handcuff refresher) and because the two skills compliment each other it seems like the sensible thing to do.

But I’m Not a Qualified Handcuff Trainer

If you are not a BTEC Level 3 Handcuff Trainer and are not intending to be that’s not a problem. This day will give you an insight into how handcuffs can be used in restraint situations so it will act as great CPD (Continual Professional Development) for you in broadening your knowledge and competence with regards to the wider application of restraint equipment.

Also, if you wanted to take the BTEC Level 3 Award in The Use of Restraint Equipment and become a properly qualified Level 3 Handcuff Trainer then there is that option too that will be made available to you once you book on.

SIA Refresher Requirements

This refresher will also cover the SIA PI refresher for those of you who need a SIA PI Refresher certificate to continue delivering the module 4 PI unit of the Door Supervisors License To Practice Award. 

Additional Updates

We will also be covering the following for you too:

1: We will bring you up to date and up to speed with the new SIA PI techniques and processes and the new manuals and paperwork (which you should already have);

2: We will tell you about the recent changes to the SIA Close Protection Award, including Physical Intervention for CP; 

3: We will give you an update on what is happening with BILD and the RRN.

Please Note: Accommodation is NOT included. If you require any please add it when you make your booking.

Why Do I Need To Undertake Refresher Training?

One of the main reasons why you need to refresh your training is because of Health and Safety Legislation. Regulation 13(3) of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 states that:

“The training referred to in paragraph (2) shall –

a) be repeated periodically where appropriate;

b) be adapted to take account of any new or changed risks to the health and safety of the employees concerned; and

c) take place during working hours.”

In addition, we also know that what we learn degrades with time.

For example, research shows that if we are told something then our recall after three weeks is 70% but after three months is only 10%.

If we are told and shown something then our recall after three weeks is 72% but after three months is only 32%.

If however, we are told, shown and experience something then our recall after three weeks is 85% but after three months is 65%, however, as many agencies do not do pressurised / dynamic training so that their staff can ‘experience’ it full it is possible that the 65% recall after 3 months is less.

Also, even these figures will degrade further between three and twelve months.

That is why refresher training is important.

Regulation 13(1) of the same Regulations states that:

“Every employer shall, in entrusting tasks to his employees, take into account their capabilities as regards health and safety.”

Therefore, all employers are legally required to ensure that their staff are capable of doing what they are being tasked to do (as part of their employed role) to a competent standard, and this requires training and re-training at regular periods, and this also applies to those of you who are self-employed as it is your responsibility to ensure that you remain competent and up to date with any changes (legislative or otherwise) that have a bearing on what you provide for your clients.

The Importance of Attending Refresher Training

In this video we will look at the importance of attending refresher training by covering:

1: Brain Plasticity & Reconsolidation;

2: The Forgetting Curve;

3: Health & Safety Legislation;

4: Other Refresher Training Requirements;

5: HSG48.

As well as the benefits of attending a refresher training course balanced against the liabilities associated in not attending one. 

Start Time: 0900 – Finish: 1630 Hours Approximately

Venue Location & Address

Lilleshall National Sports and Conferencing Centre
Near Newport
United Kingdom
TF10 9AT

If travelling to the centre using Satellite Navigation please use the alternative postcode TF10 9LQ

Course Duration

This is a one day course.

3.5/5 (6 Reviews)