You Can Do Everything Right But Make One Mistake and Your Life is Over ….. And That Can Be The DIFFERENCE Between A GOOD STATEMENT And A BAD STATEMENT
Book Your Place for Only £150 + Vat
Venue: Langstone Technology Park, Langstone Rd, Havant PO9 1SA
Imagine that you are involved in an incident where you are required to use force to defend yourself or others or restrain someone or to make an arrest.
The police arrive and you are asked to give a statement to them. A statement that can be used as evidence in a court of law, for you or against you. A statement that you will be cross-examined against that may be months or even years later!
Would you know how to write that GOOD statement?
“A statement will come under more scrutiny in court than your appearance”
DIFFERENCE between a GOOD and a BAD Statement is the difference between being able to feel confident in your account of things against the worry of how you could be made to look stupid or even look like a liar in a court of law.
TheThe DIFFERENCE between a GOOD and a BAD Statement could be the difference between being found innocent or guilty of any allegations made against you that could result in a criminal prosecution of a civil claim for damages.
The DIFFERENCE between a GOOD and a BAD Statement is the difference between being able to provide for your family or being out of work if you are found guilty, or not able to defend yourself properly and subsequently dismissed from your job with little or no prospect of being employed by someone else due to your criminal record or bad reference from your previous employer.
The DIFFERENCE between a GOOD and a BAD Statement cannot be calculated in terms of loss of income, loss of liberty, lack of employment prospects, loss of self-worth and the inability to provide for your family.
If you would be interested in attending a course, run by an ex-police officer (poacher turned gamekeeper) who can show you how to write legally defensible statements then book your place now.
Course Aim
To help you develop the knowledge and skills to structure a statement to include admissible evidence.
Course Objectives.
By the end of this course you will be able to understand:
- The purpose of a statement and how to structure it.
- How to record evidence.
- The need to record details clearly and accurately.
- The difference between evidence and hearsay evidence.
- When hearsay evidence may be admissible in proceedings.
- How to refer to exhibits in statements.
- The rules of identification for statements.
- How to use the ‘ADVOKATE’ process.
Course Bonuses.
You will also get the following bonuses directly from Daniel when you leave the course, which are:
- Course Handout;
- Statement Templates;
- Ongoing Support.
Course Venue:
Langstone Technology Park, Langstone Rd, Havant PO9 1SA
The Trainer – Daniel Darwin
Daniel Darwin served 12 years as a Police Officer in Hampshire Constabulary.
Daniel was also a Planner with the National Police Coordination Centre in London.
This included supporting the Assistant Chief Constable (ACC) who was Chair of NPOCC (The The National Police Chiefs Council) at COBR (Cabinet Office Briefing Room) meetings by providing information from police forces nationally to provide real time data and updates.
He was also responsible for liaising with partner agencies such as the Environment Agencies, the MET office, Local Authorities, Local Resilience Forums and Transport agencies to coordinate the police response.
Daniel was also involved in the planning of the NATO Conference that was held in Gwent in 2014, for which he received a Presidential Commendation from the Chief of the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) for his planning expertise.
During his time in the police Daniel wrote many statements he was also in great demand within the Police to provide statement writing courses where his expertise in this field was passed onto other officers of various ranks that helped the police obtain many successful outcomes in court.
Book Your Place for Only £150 + Vat
Venue: Langstone Technology Park, Langstone Rd, Havant PO9 1SA