Ted Foulger

Ted Foulger DipNFPS FPMemNFPS 

Ted has had a vast amount of operational, management and consultancy experience with over 37 years working in secure & open hospital & community settings, learning disability; mental health; child & adolescent services, older people services, social care and specialist education settings, as well as teaching a range of specialist training to multi-professional and multi-disciplinary groups and finally before retiring, leading on clinical safety involving risk assessment and risk reduction strategies, policy and training development and quality assurance strategies.

During his career Ted has studied and qualified with a range of organisations that have taught restrictive interventions and restraint devices. This has helped to give him a somewhat unique perspective on what is being taught, the different styles of teaching, and the varying views of course participants on the effectiveness of the training and techniques taught.

Ted has also undertaken specialised training qualifications in the use of conflict avoidance, de-escalation and conflict management as well as social learning theory and practice, behaviour analysis and positive behaviour planning, utilising these to actively avoid or systematically reduce the need for the use of restrictive interventions wherever possible.

5/5 (3 Reviews)