This is the true story of Dr Aidan MacCarthy who survived being a Japanese Prisoner of War, being torpedoed and marooned at sea, bombed at Nagasaki, recaptured and finally released.
Teaching Women Self-Defence Is Still The Best Way To Reduce Sexual Assaults
A landmark research study has proven that teaching women self-defence tactics reduces the risk of sexual assault. Recently a UK research study, the largest conducted on sexual violence and harassment at UK universities, reported in the Guardian newspaper in November 2020, reported that more than half of UK students say they have faced unwanted sexual behaviour but only a fraction … Read more
SIA Changes to Security Licence to Practise Qualifications
As you are aware there are changes coming into effect from the 1st April with regard to the SIA License Linked Qualifications and I have just had the following email from Pearsons; our Awarding organisation, so I thought that I’d share it with you in case you hadn’t heard anything. The email I received stated the following: “Dear Colleague The … Read more
Don’t Subscribe To The God Complex
The problem with doing anything, like attending a training course or commission training from an organisation, is who do you take advice from? How do you safeguard yourself against things that could possibly go wrong and how will your preferred training support you if and when things don’t go as planned? In the business world there are many ‘gurus’ who … Read more
Can Staff Refuse To Attend Training Even If The Organisation Has All Covid Safeguards in Place [Video]
Can Staff Refuse To Attend Training Even If The Organisation Has All Covid Safeguards in Place?
I received the following email today that asked me the above question and having checked this out fully before answering it I (with the permission of the person who sent it to me) thought I’d share it with you in the hope that it may help some of you out there.
How Long Should A Restraint Trainer Refresher Last For
I’ve been asked a question by a guy called Rick, and that is basically, ‘How Long Should A Restraint Trainer Refresher Last For?’, so I thought I’d do this short video to answer that question for Rick, and maybe you’d find it useful too!
Can I Continue To Train If I Am Out Of Date for my Physical Intervention Trainer Refresher [Video]
Can I Continue To Train If I Am Out Of Date for my Physical Intervention Trainer Refresher?
I’ve been getting quite a few calls recently on this issue because many trainers have either fallen out of date for their annual refresher or haven’t trained since qualifying as a trainer due to the current pandemic.
You Can’t Be Sacked For Defending Yourself At Work [Video]
The Forgetting Curve and How To Combat It
What Is The Forgetting Curve (And How Do You Combat It)? With covid impacting on physical intervention refresher training we must expect that staff who are not being trained will have forgotten most of what they have learned. This will be compounded by certain factors which can impact information retention. This blog post highlights how memory is lost over time … Read more
A Road To Recovery and A Very Inspirational Message For You
How What You Do Can Literally Change Someone’s Life – A Road To Recovery and A Very Inspirational Message For You
This was a lovely and unexpected video message that I received from Jonathan this morning.