Poor Leadership, Dangerous Mindsets, A Toxic Culture & Ineffective ‘Standards’: Abuse At LIFE Wirral

The BBC Panorama broadcast ‘Undercover School: Cruelty in the classroom’, which aired on 17th June 2024, covering the physical and psychological abuse at the Life Wirral School, was highly emotive and made for difficult viewing. If you have not seen it, there is a link at the foot of this post. The International Coalition Against Restraint and Seclusion (ICARS) posted … Read more

Knowing Right from Wrong

Zero tolerance policies are designed to create a strong deterrent effect by ensuring that any violation, no matter how minor, is met with consistent and inflexible punishment. I understand that but the Health & Safety Executive’s definition of a reportable incident at work, whether within a building premises or working remotely outside away from the organisation’s main office area, is … Read more

Personal Entertainment v Personal Safety?

In an era where technology is intertwined with daily life, headphones and earphones have become daily accessories. 24+ per cent of people choose to wear headphones for a significant portion of their day. They provide an immersive experience for music, podcasts, and phone calls, serving as both entertainment and a buffer against the outside world. However, this convenience comes with … Read more

Who’s In Your Speed Dial Telephone Numbers?

Subject to which survey you read, there are: Between 123 and 205 daily assaults on lone workers Between 44,850 and 74,750 attacks on lone workers per year, and Between 159 and 266 daily instances of verbal abuse on staff Working remotely offers flexibility and freedom, but it also presents unique challenges, especially in emergency situations. Whether you’re working from a … Read more

Safeguarding Schools across the Scottish Borders and Beyond

Whilst UNISON survey exposes ‘shocking’ levels of violence in Borders schools, are things any different in your area? 85 per cent of respondents reported experiencing/witnessing slapping or punching – that figure rose to 88 per cent regarding kicking incidents. More than 55 per cent of respondents said they experienced violence multiple times a week. In recent months, the Scottish Borders … Read more

Red Card…Your Banned!

QMC recorded 1,800 incidents of aggression, violence and harassment during 2022-23. Notting University Hospital recorded 1,806 incidents. Staff have been hit, spat at, threatened, verbally and racially abused. What are some of the main triggers for the abuse of staff: Treating drunks Rival gangs People high on drugs People with mental health problems Homeless people, seeking a place of warmth … Read more

I’m Not In Charge, So Not My Problem

I was reading several news articles related to inquests, where several things stood out.  In one case, a point that particularly caught my attention was that when asked about the ‘assumption the two-security staff working on the night of incident had been trained in physical intervention’, the person replied “yes”. Assume…you know what you get when you break down the … Read more

How The Great British Post Office Scandal (and Others) Can Affect You

I am sure that you are aware of the Great British Post Office Scandal. It has been described by the Criminal Cases Review Commission as “the most widespread miscarriage of justice ever seen and represents the biggest single series of wrongful convictions in British legal history”. The Post Office is owned by the Government and it is a unique institution … Read more

Workplace Safety – Whose Responsibility?

In today’s dynamic and hectic work environments, ensuring the health and safety of employees must be of paramount importance for employers. The Health & Safety Executive previously produced data in 2020 that outlined the prevalence of aggression and violence affecting businesses and workforces across the UK. Approximately 688,000 incidents of aggression and violence were reported in the workplace in England … Read more

Are You Interested in Our Next Quantum Thinking, Meditation Mindfulness and NLP Workshop?

Join us for a transformative two days of exploration and self-discovery at this Quantum Thinking, Mindfulness Meditation & NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Workshop. Led by Mark Dawes with other guest experienced instructors, this workshop offers a unique opportunity to tap into your inner wisdom and enhance your overall well-being. Throughout the day, you’ll learn practical techniques to quiet the mind, cultivate … Read more