How a Change In Lifestyle Changed People’s Genes (Video)

You MUST Watch This Video – How a Change In Lifestyle Changed People’s Genes

At the start of this study the genes of the whole group were read.

Then the group was split into two groups.

One group got the conventional pharmaceutical intervention.

The other group were given lifestyle changes.

They were taught to meditate, use stress reduction techniques and given a different diet.

At the end of 90 days the genes of each group were re-read.

The genes of the group who got the conventional treatment hadn’t changed.

But the genes of the other group, who were taught to meditate, use stress reduction techniques and given a plant-based diet had changed.

500 genes in each individual had changed the way they were expressing themselves.

And most of those genes were previously contributing to the cancer!

This tells us that if we change our lifestyle.

Change the way we think, act and eat, we can radically change our health.

Have a great day.