What is PMVA Training and Do You Deliver PMVA Trainer Training (Video)

“What is PMVA Training and Do You Deliver PMVA Trainer Training?”

These are questions I constantly get asked.

So, what does PMVA mean?

PMVA stands for the ‘Prevention and Management of Violence and Aggression’.

Which is basically a healthcare term for Physical Restraint (also known as Physical Intervention, Control and Restraint, Positive Handling, MVA, etc., etc.).

It is primarily used to prevent a service user or patient harming themselves or others.

PMVA training is not a qualification or an endorsed or recognised standard of any kind.

It is just a healthcare term for Physical Restraint Training.

That’s it.

Our BTEC Level 3 Restraint Instructor Award Course is a PMVA Trainer Course – https://nfps.info/physical-intervention-trainer-course/

And many healthcare organisations already use our training to train their PMVA trainers.

This is because our course comes with a BTEC Level 3 qualification.

If you’d like to know more you can view our course here – https://nfps.info/physical-intervention-trainer-course/ (and there is a video on our course webpage about all of the difference names and what they mean).

Or simply drop me an email and we can arrange to have a chat over the phone to clarify any further questions you may have.

My email is – [email protected].

Other recommended videos to watch –

Who Would Be Liable For Giving Illegal Information, Instruction and Training (With Regards to Physical Intervention, Self-Defence, Handcuffing etc.) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqbwfvGIaRE

The Implications of Article 2 of the Human Rights Act – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20prVGx9VD0&t=95s

Department of Health & Social Care Letter Jan 2022 Re: BILD and the RRN – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=na2g8-QGz2c