You Must Take Extra Precautions Where Someone is More Susceptible To Injury [Video]

You Must Take Extra Precautions Where Someone is More Susceptible To Injury

Following on from the video I did yesterday (‘What Do I Do As A Trainer If I Believe a Learner is Not Fit Enough To Undertake the Training?’) I’ve been sent some information by a good friend of mine who is also a very competent and highly qualified Health & Safety Professional that adds additional value to what I put out yesterday.

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What Do I Do As A Trainer If I Believe a Learner is Not Fit Enough To Undertake the Training [Video]

What would you do as a trainer if a learner turned up on your physical intervention training day and they disclosed information to you about themselves that led you to believe that they weren’t fit enough to do the training or capable enough to do the training but you were being told that you had to train them anyway?

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Why Disclaimers Are Not Worth The Paper They Are Written On [Video]

Many martial arts clubs and self-defence courses ask people to sign disclaimers that basically state that if they get injured on a course, they can’t sue the instructor or the club or the company.

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