Bullying, Restraint Elimination and The Dog With Five Legs [Video]

Bullying, Restraint Elimination and The Dog With Five Legs [Video]

As this is anti-bullying week Trevel and I discuss bullying from a few different perspectives.

We talk about the psychological impact of bullying and the fact that ninty-eight percent of human beings can suffer a phobic reaction caused by interpersonal human conflict compared to only fifteen percent who would suffer a phobic reaction if confronted by a snake.

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Interview With Dr. Tony Bleetman 18th November 2020

This is a video interview I did with my good friend and professional colleague Tony Bleetman on the 18th November 2020.

In this video Tony takes a look back at how far the UK has come in the last twenty or so years in relation to restraint and how far ahead the UK is compared to many other countries.

We talk about the history of restraint, where it came from and how each different sector decided upon its own restraint training based on their own specific objectives and requirements.

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Bullying, Self Defence and The Rule of Natural Justice

Bullying, Self Defence and The Rule of Natural Justice As it is National Anti-Bullying Week, I thought I’d share this post with you to highlight the fact that a victim of bullying has a right to defend themselves, which can’t be taken away from them. However, many fear the reprisal that may come their way if they act, so they … Read more

Why The RRN Standards Are Unworkable

The transcript that follows this brief introduction is from a talk given by Nicola Lochery that we recorded on our last refresher about the RRN (Restraint Reduction Network) standards.  Nicola has done a lot of work mapping her training over to the RRN standards. She has also been looking at how some NHS trusts are only going to get a … Read more

Why Self Development Is Important

Self Development Is Important Because Without Developing An Individual From Within We Add Skills To An Unstable Foundation. We can all agree that training is important to ensure that a person becomes competent in what they are expected to do. Training is also a legal requirement under Health & Safety Legislation and because employers have a duty of care towards … Read more

Read This If You Are Interested in Becoming a Conflict Management and/or Physical Intervention Trainer

Read This If You Are Interested in Becoming a Conflict Management and/or Physical Intervention Trainer BTEC Level 3 Physical Restraint Instructor Award Course: 2nd – 6th November For the first time in thirty years we are running an additional BTEC Level 3 Physical Restraint Instructor Award Course. It is taking place at the Yarnfield Park Training & Conference Centre, Yarnfield, … Read more

Self Esteem and Success

Self Esteem and Success Self-esteem is how a person views or feels in relation to their overall sense of self-worth or personal value.  Low self esteem develops over time and the catalyst for your feeling of lack of self worth may even be linked to something that was said to you by a teacher, a parent or your peers.  I … Read more

Success is a State of Mind

Success – Why Do Some People Succeed When Others Don’t? At the beginning of every restraint instructor, self-defence and conflict management trainer course I spend the first part of the day talking about quantum mechanics and how the way we choose to think affects our health and physical state. I show you the science behind the theory too to back … Read more

Reasonable Force [Video]

Reasonable force is a term associated with defending one’s person or property from a violent attack, theft, or other type of unlawful aggression.

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How To Make Money Online

Necessity is the catalyst of change and this current pandemic has forced many businesses to change the way that they have been traditionally doing business and made them embrace the internet, which has been a steep learning curve for many. Now love it or hate it the using the internet the right way has many advantages. For example, in a … Read more