The Pareto Principle – Success Is Only 20 Percent Skill [Video]

According to the Pareto principle, 80 percent of our success is down to possibly less than 20 percent skill?

I was recently following a thread on someone’s Facebook profile in relation to an article called Intelligence Is Overrated: What You Really Need To Succeed’ that was published by Forbes in April 2012, and I have linked in to at the end of this post.

The article cites research that was carried out by the Carnegie Institute of Technology, which stated that 85 percent of your financial success is due to skills in “human engineering,” your personality and ability to communicate, negotiate, and lead. Shockingly, only 15 percent is due to technical knowledge.

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Thoughts Become Things

A Thought Fuelled By Faith and Pursued with Determination & Perseverance Binded By A Strong Emotional Attachment Will Become Your Reality – Good or Bad!

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My Request To All World, Faith, Media and Thought Leaders

My name is Mark Dawes and I have a message for every world leader, every leader of faith, all the media, and all of the great thinkers of our current modern age, so please bear with me on this one. ⁣⁣⁣

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Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve

The following was first published in 1937 “Before the close of the first decade of the 21st Century America and the world faced a financial and economic abyss that came close to collapsing the world economic system. By most estimates, the meltdown would have been far worse – up to five times greater – than that of the Great Depression. … Read more

Don’t Let Self-Doubt Ruin Your Life [Video]

I woke up to a post this morning that said: “Cried this morning. Why? Self doubt hurts. It’s scary. I need a life coach. And then I need to become one”.

I hope this helps them.



These are the words of Viktor Frankl and it is a question he used to ask his patients who came to se him who were suffering from a multitude of torment and from their answers he would find their reason for living.

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The Reason I Didn’t Go For Mark Dawes is Because He Speaks His Mind

I was told today by a very reliable source that I know, that a former Headteacher 🎓(who was looking at training for their staff) when considering the issue of risk assessments and what the staff’s legal rights are, allegedly said: “The reason I didn’t go for Mark Dawes is because he speaks his mind.”  This person is now (allegedly) an Ofsted … Read more

PPE & Restraint During The Pandemic [Video]

I have been getting asked a lot about my views on staff donning ppe so that they can restraint patients/service users, etc. ⁣ ⁣

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