Workplace Challenges in Modern Society

Workplace violence encompasses a range of behaviours, including physical assaults, threats, and verbal abuse. Recent statistics reveal that a significant number of workers have been affected by workplace violence. According to recent data, approximately 600,000 workers in the UK alone reported being assaulted, threatened, or abused. This figure underscores the urgent need for effective workplace safety measures. In recent years, … Read more

Clearing the Air

Among the concerns of using physical intervention, several long-standing misconceptions persist, contributing to dangerous misunderstandings and potentially lethal situations. One of the most prevalent misunderstandings is the belief that if someone can talk, they can breathe. This misconception has led to tragic outcomes, particularly in cases involving physical restraint, where individuals have died due to insufficient oxygen intake despite being … Read more

What Type of Incidents Do You Report?

We use well known phrases like the Health & Safety Executives (HSE) definition of work-related violence… Any incident in which a person is abused, threatened or assaulted in circumstances relating to their work, whether the behaviours are explicit or implicit in nature or design, is a reportable incident. What does the HSE’s Definition Mean to You? These incidents are not … Read more

Enhancing Workplace Safety through Training

Workplace safety is of paramount importance in today’s society. Ensuring the safety and well-being of employees not only protects individuals but also has far-reaching benefits for individuals, organisations and communities. Here are some of the was that becoming an NFPS Ltd BTEC Level 3 Physical Restraint qualified Trainer benefits workplace safety today. The provision of a secure environment for employees … Read more

Are You Interested in Our Next Quantum Thinking, Meditation Mindfulness and NLP Workshop?

Join us for a transformative two days of exploration and self-discovery at this Quantum Thinking, Mindfulness Meditation & NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Workshop. Led by Mark Dawes with other guest experienced instructors, this workshop offers a unique opportunity to tap into your inner wisdom and enhance your overall well-being. Throughout the day, you’ll learn practical techniques to quiet the mind, cultivate … Read more

Shaping Futures through BTEC Level 3 Training

In the area of personal safety and conflict management, NFPS Limited has carved a legacy that extends across international borders. With a history rooted in a profound commitment to excellence, this organisation has been a trailblazer in offering BTEC Level 3 training courses through the Pearson Awarding Body. This blog post takes you on a journey through the remarkable history … Read more

Understanding the Law and the Right to Act Appropriately

Understanding your rights and responsibility in self-defence, in a world where personal safety is a concern for many, is of paramount importance. The common misconception that one must wait for an attacker or assailant to strike the first blow is far from the reality of the law in the United Kingdom. UK law allows individuals to act appropriately, proportionately, and … Read more

Unveiling The Physiological Reactions to The Anticipation of Danger

In a world where survival has always been paramount, our bodies have evolved intricate mechanisms to respond to threats and dangers. When faced with violence and aggression, our ancient survival instincts kick in, triggering a cascade of physiological reactions. From the release of a complex chemical cocktail to the activation of the well-known fight, flight, or freeze response, our bodies … Read more

Flight Attendant Chased Home by Irate Passenger that yelled ‘f*** your Airline’

An Airline flight attendant posted a tearful video on TikTok describing how an unruly passenger chased her out of the airport parking lot and followed her home.  The safety and well-being of employees is of paramount importance and a duty that all employers must address. Workplace violence tends to be far more prevalent in occupations that involve prolonged interaction with … Read more

Has Aggression towards Reception and Healthcare Staff become Routine?

Research studies across 5 countries including the UK, show that Aggression towards GP receptionists is a ‘frequent and routine’ occurrence. Fact sheets covering the period 2010 to 2018 recorded an increase in reported incidents of aggression from 6 per 10,000 staff to 10+ per 10,000 staff. How much more would these figures have increased by if staff felt more empowered … Read more