The Department Health Positive and Proactive Care Document, issued by the Department of Health and used by CQC for inspection purposes, is seen by many as being set in stone, but the fact is, is that it is only guidance – not statutory law.
The Department Health Positive and Proactive Care Document, issued by the Department of Health and used by CQC for inspection purposes, is seen by many as being set in stone, but the fact is, is that it is only guidance – not statutory law.
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In this video I am going to discuss whether non-police staff can legally carry and use handcuffs and if you are interested in becoming a BTEC Level 3 Qualified Handcuff Trainer then visit our web-page at:
In this short video I’m going to talk to you about supervision and in particular, instructor to student ratio numbers, and it is worth bearing in mind that it is estimated that 80% of all claims for negligence in sport is down to lack of supervision.
The Guardian Newspaper, in its article entitled ‘Alarm over restraint of NHS mental health patients’, revealed that:
I believe that everyone should have their own business. There are no ‘jobs for life’ anymore, and the only true way to be in full control of your destiny and your future is to have your own business.
Hey everybody, Mark Dawes here. And in this short video I want to talk to you about the power of arrest in Scotland.
And I’m going to say right up front that virtually all the information in this video has been kindly given to me by Colin Dixon. He is hugely experienced in his field and Colin wrote to me because he saw the video I put out about the difference between arresting someone and detaining someone, which of course there is no difference.
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