It is wrong to assume that a singular, static document could ever adequately risk assess physical restraint techniques. Here is why…

We at NFPS have recently received requests for ‘risk assessments’ of our advanced restraint techniques. Interestingly, it is something we have rarely been asked for historically, and for good reasons, as shall be revealed within this article. The requests have originated from those delivering training within Health and Social Care and is being largely driven by the Client of the NFPS … Read more

Poor Leadership, Dangerous Mindsets, A Toxic Culture & Ineffective ‘Standards’: Abuse At LIFE Wirral

The BBC Panorama broadcast ‘Undercover School: Cruelty in the classroom’, which aired on 17th June 2024, covering the physical and psychological abuse at the Life Wirral School, was highly emotive and made for difficult viewing. If you have not seen it, there is a link at the foot of this post. The International Coalition Against Restraint and Seclusion (ICARS) posted … Read more

The Changing Landscape of Police Response and How Selecting The Right Physical Intervention System is Paramount

In recent times, there has been a shift in how police services respond to calls for assistance from NHS Mental Health Units. Many of you will have heard of the ‘Right Care Right Person’ (RCRP) operational model developed by Humberside Police. In a letter sent to leaders of London health and social care providers on 24th May 2023, Commissioner Sir Mark … Read more

Pain Compliance on Children is Permissible & Why Adopt Standards For A Mental Health Unit, If You Are Not a Mental Health Unit?

The use of pain compliance on children is an emotive subject, it is contentious and one that many organisations fail when issuing legally robust policy and guidance. NFPS has covered this subject in previous publications and links to these will be given at the end of this post. Of course, applying pain to a child is the absolute last thing … Read more