It is wrong to assume that a singular, static document could ever adequately risk assess physical restraint techniques. Here is why…

We at NFPS have recently received requests for ‘risk assessments’ of our advanced restraint techniques. Interestingly, it is something we have rarely been asked for historically, and for good reasons, as shall be revealed within this article. The requests have originated from those delivering training within Health and Social Care and is being largely driven by the Client of the NFPS … Read more

Diagnosis or Phenomenon…You Decide?

My first recollection of being knowingly introduced to this subject was around 2001 watching a video regarding the subject of Excited Delirium. Back then the heading of cocaine induced psychosis and the disproportionate superhuman strength it gave to people was one of the non-clinical terms used. This I felt had the unfortunate bias of implying if people displayed the behaviours … Read more