The Use of Pain to Restrain Children – A Response From The Department for Education [Video]

Hi Everyone,

Mark Dawes here once again and I’m just doing this video to follow up on a video I did a while ago about the use of force on children and particularly any use of force that may cause discomfort, harm or pain.

Because there’s a drive at the moment by a particular lobbying group to ban or to make illegal should I say any restraining technique with a child that causes pain.

Now I did a video on that and we actually had about three and a half thousand views on Facebook alone, God knows how many on YouTube.

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The Use of Pain-Compliance Techniques With Children-Should They Be Made Illegal? [Video]

Hi, guys. Mark Dawes here once again.

It’s a beautiful sunny day so I’m sat in my garden shooting this video so please forgive me the luxury. But I wanted to do this video because I want to get a point out. I want to get an opinion out and I want to clarify something. But first, I want to challenge you and here’s the challenge.

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Ministry of Justice Approved Restraint Techniques Can Kill Children [Video]

Hi Guys, Mark Dawes here, once again.

You may have seen this, which has been posted on Facebook or on the news. It’s the Guardian’s report into the MMPR Restraint Techniques that are used on children.

The headline said, Approved Restraint Techniques Can Kill Children. The Ministry of Justice has found.” That’s your starter for ten and I shouldn’t laugh, and I’m not laughing at the risk. I’m laughing at the stupidity of this system because they’ve actually approved techniques that can kill children. I mean, how perverse is that?

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Physical Intervention – What You Should Know When Choosing Physical Intervention Training [Video]

Physical Intervention – What You Should Know When Choosing Physical Intervention Training.

Hi, everyone, it’s Mark Dawes from NFPS Ltd here, and if you landed on this blog post, it’s because you are looking for more information on physical intervention/physical restraint and I can understand how difficult that could be for you because it can be like navigating through a minefield.

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Ted Foulger on Care Plans and Restraint Reduction Plans [Video]

Ted Foulger is a very experienced individual with over 35 years experience of the NHS, Mental Health and Learning Disabilities work to fall back on. He was a senior PAMOVA Tutor and was also part of a Senior Management Team dealing with these sort of issues every day. If you would like to know how this relates to you as a restraint / physical intervention trainer then listen to what Ted has to say. He has already saved one family I have been involved with a lot of heartaches.

BILD Accreditation-What Is It?

Even today, we are still coming across many inspectors from various Government agencies, care home managers, headteachers of schools, trainers, NVQ assessors and even HSE inspectors that believe that if you are delivering or commissioning training then the training must be BILD Accredited because they think that BILD Accreditation is in some way endorsed or recognised by Government. This is … Read more

The Governments Propsal to Ban Prone and the Other Side of The Argument [Video]

‘Excessive’ Use of Face-Down Restraint

About the Author

A former Royal Marines Commando and High-Security Prison Physical Training Instructor, Operations Director of Tactical Safety Responses Ltd Mark Williams, is an Association of Chief Police Officers trained Trainer of Instructors delivering expert instruction in Personal Safety, Close Protection and Close Quarter Defensive Tactics to Law Enforcement, Military, Healthcare, Government and large corporate companies and establishments.  Mark also acts as an expert witness in cases of legal action bought in respect of injury due to physical restraint.

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ECHR Awards Compensation for Breach of Article 13 [Video]

In the case of RK and AK v the United Kingdom (38000/05) the European Court of Human Rights has awarded compensation to a couple from Oldham after it found that the UK had infringed their Article 13 rights after a child had been taken into care.

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