Are Police Officers Exempt From Health & Safety Legislation?
Physical Intervention Trainer
If you are a physical intervention trainer or thinking of becoming a physical intervention trainer, then this category is for you as it covers everything that you need to know about becoming or remaining a competent and qualified physical intervention trainer, whilst reducing your liability.
Reasonable Force and The Difference Between Having The Power To Do Something and a Duty To Do Something [Video]
Firstly, thank you to all of you who have left comments and shared our videos this week. It has resulted in some great feedback that has been very welcome.
Clarification on The SIA September 2018 Update [Video]
In this short video I want do address something that’s caused a lot of confusion which came out in an SIA newsletter in September 2018.
In that newsletter they had an article on vascular restraint, and there’s a paragraph in that article that’s obviously caused a lot of confusion because a lot of people have emailed me and called me on this.
September 2018 BTEC Level 3 Restraint Instructor Award Course Graduates
Well done to everyone who attended the NFPS BTEC Level 3 Restraint Instructor Award Course this week and congratulations to all of the following who successfully completed the course: Mostapha Alfaour John Barton Jessica Bowerman Tyson Bradley Joanne Buckley Matthew Cheyne Jenkin Chu Terence Cross Russell Davies Charles Garner Alexander Good Dene Hale Stephen Kerr Tony Koleszar Craig Lewis Jock … Read more
Complicating The Uncomplicated [Podcast]
Complicating the Uncomplicated [Podcast] Today in many physical restraint/physical intervention and disengagement/breakaway systems, many techniques are taught in a way that seems designed to ‘complicate the uncomplicated’. And what I mean by that is a system of teaching is employed that breaks the technique down into each component part which is then taught within a complex system of instruction making … Read more
Eric Baskind – Are ‘Safe Systems’ of Restraint Really ‘Safe’?
Eric Baskind – Are ‘Safe Systems’ of Restraint Really ‘Safe’? At our Conference on 26 September, Eric Baskind will be talking about the proposed new laws and accreditation schemes for physical intervention. The Mental Health Units (Use of Force) Bill He will be looking at the pros and cons of the new proposed Mental Health Units (Use of Force) Bill … Read more
Let The Taxman Pay For Your Training [Video]
Let The Taxman Pay For Your Training
Today I want to talk to you about how you can offset the cost of your training, so whether you’re thinking about becoming a physical intervention trainer or a self-defence trainer, it’s how you can offset the cost of that, that investment, against tax.
Now, particularly if you’ve been in an employed role, where you pay PAYE or base-rate tax or even high-rate tax over the last three years, how you can offset the cost of your investment against that tax.
Professional Indemnity Insurance – Does it Pay Out if You Are Negligent? [Video]
Professional Indemnity Insurance is insurance cover that covers trainers for anything that may happen outside the classroom or training hall. But it may not pay out if you give advice that is incorrect or legally flawed, yet many trainers don’t realise that.
Some examples of this that I have personally come across are as follows (and you’ll know this if you have been following me for a few years):