You Are Your Thoughts!

You are your thoughts.

Over two-thousand years ago the Greek philosopher Epictetus said that “People are not disturbed by things, but by the views they take of them”.

The Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius said that: “A Man’s life is what his thoughts make of it”.

The Buddha stated: “We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves”.

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If You Can’t Control Your Emotional State Then You Are Addicted To It

If You Can’t Control Your Emotional State Then You Are Addicted To It. Those of you who know me will know that I am very interested in the way we operate as human beings, especially in the area of how our thoughts and feelings affect our physical and mental well-being. I have always had a desire to help people take … Read more

Envy Is Ignorance and Imitation Is Suicide

Envy Is Ignorance and Imitation Is Suicide. You may at times have your idea or product copied by someone else. This can annoy you and you may feel cheated by the person who has copied your idea, you may even become angry but don’t be. In Emerson’s essay on self-reliance Emerson speaks of this and Emerson states that: “There is … Read more

Change Your Habits Change Your Life

Change Your Habits Change Your Life Why is it that some people consistently get good results in producing the outcome they desire while other people never seem to be able to get the results they want? What makes some people more productive while others struggle to get one job done? Why are some people always happy while others are quick … Read more

Single Person Restraint – An Accident Waiting to Happen

Single Person Restraint – An Accident Waiting to Happen! I regularly meet staff who have been taught to physically intervene on their own, who are totally unaware of the risks associated with the intervention or aware of the fact that what they are being asked to do is a lone working activity. The usual excuse is that it is needed … Read more

How You Are Drawing Your Future Life Towards You

How You Are Drawing Your Future Life Towards You In a experiment designed to test the power of intention a French researcher designed a special type of random event generator, which would turn randomly as it moved around an arena, going right 50% of the time and left 50% of the time. Over time he found that the robot covered … Read more

You Can’t Legislate For Negligence and Why ‘Disclaimers’ or ‘Waivers’ Are Not Really Worth The Paper That They Are Written On

You Can’t Legislate For Negligence and Why ‘Disclaimers’ or ‘Waivers’ Are Not Really Worth The Paper That They Are Written On.  Some training providers, martial arts clubs and other agencies that promote risky activities make the participants sign a ‘disclaimer’, more commonly known as a ‘waiver’. These ‘disclaimers’ are basically designed to exclude the training provider from liability by getting … Read more

Recent Testimonials From Our BTEC Level 3 Restraint Instructor Award Course

The following are some recent testimonials that we have received regarding our BTEC Level 3 Restraint Instructor Award Course and I’d like to personally thank Jake, Danielle and Tony for their video testimonials as well as the kind words from Brian McDonald to was kind enough to comment on a post on LinkedIn regarding his experience on our training some … Read more

Why You Don’t Need To be Perfect To Be An Exceptional Instructor

Why You Don’t Need To be Perfect To Be An Exceptional Instructor Many people who want to be an instructor keep putting it off on the basis that they are not ready. They think that they need to know everything and be 100% perfect. But they are wrong. You see, perfectionism creates procrastination. And I’ll say that again …… Being … Read more