Workplace Challenges in Modern Society

Workplace violence encompasses a range of behaviours, including physical assaults, threats, and verbal abuse. Recent statistics reveal that a significant number of workers have been affected by workplace violence. According to recent data, approximately 600,000 workers in the UK alone reported being assaulted, threatened, or abused. This figure underscores the urgent need for effective workplace safety measures. In recent years, … Read more

Mind The Gap

When is someone too close? When you anticipate danger from what you can see, hear and/or feel from the other person. Increasingly personal safety has become a paramount concern. One of the fundamental principles in ensuring personal safety is maintaining a safe distance from potential threats. This approach not only allows individuals to assess situations more accurately but also provides … Read more

Poor Leadership, Dangerous Mindsets, A Toxic Culture & Ineffective ‘Standards’: Abuse At LIFE Wirral

The BBC Panorama broadcast ‘Undercover School: Cruelty in the classroom’, which aired on 17th June 2024, covering the physical and psychological abuse at the Life Wirral School, was highly emotive and made for difficult viewing. If you have not seen it, there is a link at the foot of this post. The International Coalition Against Restraint and Seclusion (ICARS) posted … Read more

Clearing the Air

Among the concerns of using physical intervention, several long-standing misconceptions persist, contributing to dangerous misunderstandings and potentially lethal situations. One of the most prevalent misunderstandings is the belief that if someone can talk, they can breathe. This misconception has led to tragic outcomes, particularly in cases involving physical restraint, where individuals have died due to insufficient oxygen intake despite being … Read more

The Paradox of Restraint Reduction: Why Fighting Restraint Might Fuel Its Persistence

In the realm of organisational management, particularly in sectors dealing with vulnerable populations such as healthcare facilities, schools, and correctional institutions, the discourse around physical restraint has undergone significant evolution. Restraint reduction programmes have emerged as a seemingly noble initiative aimed at minimising the use of physical force in managing challenging behaviours. However, beneath the surface of good intentions lies … Read more

Red Card…Your Banned!

QMC recorded 1,800 incidents of aggression, violence and harassment during 2022-23. Notting University Hospital recorded 1,806 incidents. Staff have been hit, spat at, threatened, verbally and racially abused. What are some of the main triggers for the abuse of staff: Treating drunks Rival gangs People high on drugs People with mental health problems Homeless people, seeking a place of warmth … Read more

Observation – A Crucial Perspective In The Use of Physical Intervention

Up to the year ending March 2023 overall there were 2.1 million offences against the person recorded.  This was a 20% rise compared with the pre-covid pandemic year ending March 2020. Violence with injury was 6% higher (573,791 offences) than levels recorded in the year ending March 2020 (540,870 offences). Violence without injury increased by 14% to 828,673 offences compared … Read more

I’m Not In Charge, So Not My Problem

I was reading several news articles related to inquests, where several things stood out.  In one case, a point that particularly caught my attention was that when asked about the ‘assumption the two-security staff working on the night of incident had been trained in physical intervention’, the person replied “yes”. Assume…you know what you get when you break down the … Read more

The Essence of Compliance, Competence, and Common Law in Physical Intervention Techniques

Yet again I received a phone call stating that because someone conducting a review had not heard of a particular technique that was being used, the reviewing person was saying that what they (the person being reviewed) had done was wrong! My question to the reviewing person, who as it turned out had no known physical intervention or conflict management … Read more

How The Great British Post Office Scandal (and Others) Can Affect You

I am sure that you are aware of the Great British Post Office Scandal. It has been described by the Criminal Cases Review Commission as “the most widespread miscarriage of justice ever seen and represents the biggest single series of wrongful convictions in British legal history”. The Post Office is owned by the Government and it is a unique institution … Read more