As many of you will know NHS England have made it a condition of contract that anyone providing training to a NHS Trust with a Mental Health Unit in England must have the new PI certification by April 2020.
Physical Intervention Trainer
If you are a physical intervention trainer or thinking of becoming a physical intervention trainer, then this category is for you as it covers everything that you need to know about becoming or remaining a competent and qualified physical intervention trainer, whilst reducing your liability.
There is No Evidence To Prove That Dynamic/Pressurised/Stimulation Training Works
The title of this blog post is based on something someone recently said to me, and the person who said it told me that they were quoting something said to them by someone else. Apparently, according to the person I spoke to what was exactly said to them was: “There is no research evidence that proves that pressurised/stimulation/dynamic training works”, … Read more
Why You Should Consider Not Training With Us [Video]
Why You Should Consider Not Training With Us
Nailing the colours (also nailing the colours to the mast or nailing the flag) is a practice dating back to the age of sail that expresses a defiant refusal to surrender, and willingness to fight to the last man.
Is A Door Supervisor Covered if They Are Assaulted By A Member of The Public Whilst At Work [Video]
I recently put out a video entitled ‘Is a Door Supervisor Covered By Their Company Insurance if They Go To Assist Someone in The Street’ and we had some very interesting comments and feedback on that in the threads on Facebook and LinkedIn.
Is the New PI Accreditation Worth It or Are We Putting Profits Before Safety? [Video]
As you may be aware there is a new physical intervention accreditation coming into effect in April 2020, which we are not going to be pursuing and I mentioned in one of my previous videos that we could see no major benefit in pursuing the accreditation.
The Reasons Behind Why NFPS Ltd Will Not Be Adopting The BILD/RRN/UKAS PI Accreditation Scheme [Video]
I have made it no secret that we [NFPS Ltd] will not be adopting the new PI Accreditation Scheme that is due to come into effect in April 2020.
Since we made that announcement a lot of people have come back to me asking us why, and wanting to know what our reasons are for not adopting it.
Therefore, I have taken the time to put together these three short videos to explain why we won’t be undertaking the accreditation
What Do I Do If There Is Guidance That Says I Can’t Do Something But The Law Says I Can [Video]
What Do I Do If There Is ‘Guidance’ That Says I Can’t Do Something But The Law Says I Can?
I have just heard from someone who has contacted me because they are being told that they can’t use certain techniques because they are not allowed to use them.
Should Staff Physically Intervene When a Patient or Service-User is Self-Harming [Video]
Should Staff Physically Intervene When a Patient or Service-User is Self-Harming?
I was recently been asked to clarify what an organisations situation is with regards to staff who physically intervene when a patient is self-harming.
NFPS Ltd And The Priory Will Shortly Be Parting Company (By Mutual Agreement)
It is with regret that as from the end of this year we [NFPS Ltd] will no longer be delivering PMVA Training to the Priory. This decision has come about due to the fact that we do not wish to become accredited under the new PI accreditation scheme that is being introduced next year. This is not a decision we … Read more
NFPS Ltd will not be seeking accreditation under the new PI accreditation scheme that is due to come into effect in April 2020
NFPS Ltd will not be seeking accreditation under the new PI accreditation scheme that is due to come into effect in April 2020. We were hoping that a second option to attain accreditation through UKAS would be available, but due to the restrictions that will be imposed on any agency seeking to become a UKAS accredited centre for the delivery … Read more