The Power of Forgiveness [Podcast]

Forgiveness is a powerful act that can set you free and liberate you from suffering which will reduce the effect of negative stress in your life.

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To Be Successful Adopt A ‘Ready, Fire, Aim’ Approach As Opposed To A ‘Ready, Aim, Fire’ Approach

Too many people are perfectionists, which means that they will procrastinate.

They have a ‘Ready, Aim, Fire’, which means that unless they believe that they are 100% ready, they will not do whatever it is they wish to do, primarily because they feel that they will be judged if they don’t succeed 100% the first time.

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How Thoughts Become Things

“Every action, either physical or mental, every movement occurring either on the plane of gross matter or on the plane of the mind, causes an emission of energy. To use the established expression, it produces a “seed”. 

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Car-flip farmer cleared of dangerous driving and criminal damage

Car-flip farmer cleared of dangerous driving and criminal damage – ‘An Englishman’s Home Is His Castle’

A farmer who used a telehandler to pick up a car and dump it in a road to defend his property has been cleared of dangerous driving and criminal damage.

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Meditation Helps Create Non-Resistence

In electrical theory, the less resistance in a wire, the more easily it can carry energy.

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Disabled mum spends eight hours in cell after hitting an intruder with a hammer to protect her baby

Disabled mum spends eight hours in cell after hitting an intruder with a hammer ‘to protect her baby’, but Staffordshire Police have confirmed ‘no further action will be taken’ against her.

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Imagine you had a field that could grow whatever you planted

Imagine you had a field that could grow whatever you planted.

If you planted wheat seeds, you’d get a crop of wheat. If you planted poison ivy seeds, you get a crop of poison ivy.

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Driver who mowed down knife attacker (quite rightly) released without charge

Driver who mowed down knife attacker (quite rightly) released without charge.

This is an interesting story because it highlights the law in relation to self-defence and particularly the defence of another and how far someone can legally go in defending themselves or others.

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You Can Meditate Anytime, Anywhere. It’s Much Easier Than You Think

You Can Meditate Anytime, Anywhere. It’s Much Easier Than You Think!

When most people think of meditation they conjure up images of people sitting cross-legged for hours with serious expressions on their face trying hard to empty their minds, and that puts a lot of people off meditating.

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Why Do I Meditate – Have I Gone Over To The ‘Dark Side’? [Podcast]

Why Do I Meditate – Have I Gone Over To The ‘Dark Side’? [Podcast]

You may have noticed that I have posted various articles and podcasts about meditation, and that’s generated some interesting conversations with people, many who I have known for many years and some who are very good friends.

Some people, I am sure, think that I’ve gone over to the ‘dark side’ as they see meditation and mindfulness as some form of ‘weird’ spirituality thing.

Others think that I have possibly gone soft, but none of that could be further from the truth. 

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