It is wrong to assume that a singular, static document could ever adequately risk assess physical restraint techniques. Here is why…

We at NFPS have recently received requests for ‘risk assessments’ of our advanced restraint techniques. Interestingly, it is something we have rarely been asked for historically, and for good reasons, as shall be revealed within this article. The requests have originated from those delivering training within Health and Social Care and is being largely driven by the Client of the NFPS … Read more

Attack ‘Not Outside the Workplace Norm’

Your eyes are not deceiving you – you read this correctly…see the link below! Question – I would appreciate it if you could let me know when being victimised is part of the workplace norm? An appeals court denied a bus driver’s workers’ compensation claim saying the PTSD she developed from an attack was “not outside” of a normal workday … Read more

Your Home is Your Castle

Understand your legal rights to protect yourself and your property. As the early nights have arrived, we think more about our safety. The saying “my home is my castle” comes from the principle that individuals have the right to feel safe and secure in their homes. But what does this mean in practical and legal terms? In the UK, if … Read more

A Pathway to Professional Expertise

Welcome to NFPS Ltd, where we provide one of the UK’s most comprehensive courses in physical restraint and intervention training – the BTEC Level 3 Physical Restraint Instructor Award. With participants from the UK, Australia, America, and Malta, attending this current course it is ideal for professionals looking to advance their skills in physical intervention, personal safety and communication training. Why … Read more

It’s Your Story, So Get It Right

Intervening to take away someone’s freedom of movement is generally done for a greater good, to. To stop a situation from going wrong. Or, To prevent a situation from worsening Either way it’s important that you record and report the full picture around What happened before you had to (physically) intervene What was the other persons behaviour What happened after … Read more

Personal Entertainment v Personal Safety?

In an era where technology is intertwined with daily life, headphones and earphones have become daily accessories. 24+ per cent of people choose to wear headphones for a significant portion of their day. They provide an immersive experience for music, podcasts, and phone calls, serving as both entertainment and a buffer against the outside world. However, this convenience comes with … Read more

Diagnosis or Phenomenon…You Decide?

My first recollection of being knowingly introduced to this subject was around 2001 watching a video regarding the subject of Excited Delirium. Back then the heading of cocaine induced psychosis and the disproportionate superhuman strength it gave to people was one of the non-clinical terms used. This I felt had the unfortunate bias of implying if people displayed the behaviours … Read more

Clearing the Air

Among the concerns of using physical intervention, several long-standing misconceptions persist, contributing to dangerous misunderstandings and potentially lethal situations. One of the most prevalent misunderstandings is the belief that if someone can talk, they can breathe. This misconception has led to tragic outcomes, particularly in cases involving physical restraint, where individuals have died due to insufficient oxygen intake despite being … Read more

Red Card…Your Banned!

QMC recorded 1,800 incidents of aggression, violence and harassment during 2022-23. Notting University Hospital recorded 1,806 incidents. Staff have been hit, spat at, threatened, verbally and racially abused. What are some of the main triggers for the abuse of staff: Treating drunks Rival gangs People high on drugs People with mental health problems Homeless people, seeking a place of warmth … Read more

The Essence of Compliance, Competence, and Common Law in Physical Intervention Techniques

Yet again I received a phone call stating that because someone conducting a review had not heard of a particular technique that was being used, the reviewing person was saying that what they (the person being reviewed) had done was wrong! My question to the reviewing person, who as it turned out had no known physical intervention or conflict management … Read more