The Daily Miracle of Breathing That Connects Us All.
Recently I received news that a very lovely person I know suddenly died a week before Christmas, leaving his family completely devastated at the loss of a loving husband and father.
Recently I received news that a very lovely person I know suddenly died a week before Christmas, leaving his family completely devastated at the loss of a loving husband and father.
We are living in a world where society has prioritised independence to such an extent that many people are now left on their own to manage lives that are increasingly out of control.
This is a video by Alan Watts that I recommend you watch and below is an extract from the book ‘Live This Life’.
You Are The Observer and The Observed
In Quantum Physics the double slit experiment is a famous experiment that shows that when single electrons are fired through two slits they create waveforms that produce an interference pattern on the screen or wall that they are projected onto.
“Forgiveness is the sign of strength” – Dalai Lama
Those who say forgiving is a sign of weakness haven’t tried it yet!
You are your thoughts.
Over two-thousand years ago the Greek philosopher Epictetus said that “People are not disturbed by things, but by the views they take of them”.
The Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius said that: “A Man’s life is what his thoughts make of it”.
The Buddha stated: “We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves”.